Present: spel LZ, CD, ND, DK, DS, TC.
Past: speld LZ, ND, DK. spel [DS], TC.
Future: spel LZ, ND, DK, [DS], TC.
Imperative: speld LZ, ND, DK. - ND. spel TC.
Voluntary: ND, TC, (Hoshi 2003).Involuntary: ND.
Transitive: DS, TC.
Syntax: [Erg. Abs.] (Hackett 2003).
Causative of: 'phel (Beyer 1992: 116).
Characteristic Example: chos srid kyi 'phrin las sogs LZ. rgya cher ND.
1. To augment, to increase. 2. To diffuse. 3. To multiply (arithmetic) (Rtsii). 4. To conjoin, unite together, compose CD.
1. To make larger, more plentiful. 2. To know many people. 3. (mathematics) To multiply 4. To mutually compound, combine DS.
1. To increase, make larger. 2. To connect, join, combine, mix TC.
Note:(Denwood 1991: 136) suggests the following forms bel , 'bel , 'phel , spel , phe'u , 'phe'u , with the meanings 'declare, make known, publicize, expose, accuse.'