
From Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionary
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Present: 'jam ND, (Hoshi 2003).gzham DK.
Past: 'jam ND. bzhams CD, DK, [DS], [TC].
Future: gzhams [(CD)], [DS]. bzham DK.
Imperative: - ND.gzhams DK.
Involuntary: (Hoshi 2003).
Meaning: To stroke, caress CD. To advise on religious practice, to give advice at the time of admission into the higher order of Buddhist monk-hood. To contain, subsume [TC]. 1. To be soft, smooth, quiet. 2. To cool down, become cold (Hoshi 2003).
Note: [DS] gives bzhams , and gzhams as archaic equivalents of 'jam bo 'soft, tender'. CD gives no indication of which stem his forms are assigned to.


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