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Present: 'jo LZ, CD, DK, DS, TC. gzho (CD).
Past: bzhos LZ, CD, DK, DS, TC.
Future: bzho LZ, CD, DK, DS, TC.
Imperative: zhos LZ, ND, DK. 'jos CD, TC. gzhos DS.
Voluntary: CD, ND, DS, TC, (Hoshi 2003).
Transitive: DS, TC.
Denominative of: zho 'yoghurt' (Beyer 1992: 112 n.11)
Characteristic Example: 'o ma sogs LZ. 'o ma ND.
Meaning: To milk CD, DK. To take milk from the breast of a milch animal DS. 1. To yield, extract, to milk. 2. To satisfy, to fulfill. 3. To captivate, to bewitch TC.

Present: 'jo LZ, DS.
Past: 'jos LZ. 'jo [DS].
Future: 'jo LZ, [DS].
Imperative: 'jo LZ.
Intransitive: DS.
Characteristic Example: 'dod pa sogs LZ.
Meaning: 1. To satisfy, fulfill. 2. To rain, or many desires to be fulfilled DS.


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