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Present: bkon LZ, TC.'khon ND, DK.
Past: bkond LZ, ND, DK.
Future: bkon LZ, ND, DK.
Imperative: bkond LZ. kond ND, khond DK.
Voluntary: ND.
Transitive: (Skorupski 2001).
Causative of: 'khon NWH.
Characteristic Example: gnod pa sogs LZ. logs la ND.
Meaning: To create enmity; to disturb a friendly relation or to cause disunion DK. To threaten, menace DS. (archaic) To bear a grudge, to harbor revenge TC.

Present: 'khon LZ. DK, DS, TC.
Past: khond LZ. khon DK.'khon [DS], TC.
Future: 'khon LZ, DK, [DS], TC.
Imperative: 'khon LZ. khond DK. - TC.
Involuntary: TC, (Hoshi 2003).
Intransitive: DS, TC.
Syntax: [Abs. Ass.] (Hackett 2003).
Resultative of: 'khon NWH.
Characteristic Example: gzhan dang LZ.
Meaning: To bear a grudge or ill will against a person; to be dissatisfied with a thing; to be malicious, spiteful CD. To be revengeful, spiteful, hateful DK. 1. To bear enmity, hostility. 2. To be impeded, to be obstructed TC.
Note:(Chang 1971: vii.16) suggests based on colloquial data a verb *'khon which means 'to get caught, or hung up' see note at skon , and rkon.


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