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Present: dgar LZ, CD, DK, (DS) TC. dgor ND. 'ger DS.
Past: bkard LZ, ND.bkar DK, DS, TC.
Future: dgar LZ, NDNDB appears to have dga' but this seems unlikely. , DK, (DS), TC. bkar DS.
Imperative: dgard LZ, DK.dkord ND. khor DS, TC.
Voluntary: DS, TC, (Hoshi 2003).
Transitive: DS, TC.
Characteristic Example: mang po las LZ.logs su'?A? zur du ND.
Meaning: To separate; confine; place apart (men, cattle, goods) CD. To segregate; to cross examine; to separate; to isolate DK. 1. To separate. 2. To erect a tent with a poles. 3. To put under lamp light DS. 1. To set aside, to separate, to isolate, to quarantine, (usually following logs su ). 2. To erect, pitch a tent with a pole TC.


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