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Present: rdzong KYN, TD, LZ, ND, DK, DS, TC. rdzongs CD.
Past: brdzangs KYN, TD, LZ, CD, ND, DK, DS, TC. rdzongs CD.
Future: brdzang KYN,
KYNZ gives both brdzang and brdzeng the second certainly a scribal error. TD, LZ, CD, ND, DK, DS, TC.
Imperative: rdzongs KYN, TD, LZ, ND, DK, DS, TC.
Voluntary: KYN, TD, CD, ND, DS, TC, (Hoshi 2003).
Transitive: DS, TC.
Characteristic Example: 'gron po sogs TD.mgron po sogs gzhan du LZ. phar la glung NDB. phar la glung sogs NDA.
Meaning: To forward, send off, dispatch, to take along with CD. To send off, send, dispatch, to put in, insert DK. 1. To send, send off, convey, commission (a guest &c.). 2.To put something inside a vessel DS. 1. To banish, expel. 2. To send, dispatch, commission. 3. To insert TC.


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