
From Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionary
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Present: bsherd LZ.sher CD, DK, TC. gsher ND, DS.
Past: bsherd LZ, ND, DK. bsher CD, DS, TC.
Future: bsher LZ, ND, DK, TC. gsher DS.
Imperative: bsher LZ. sherd ND, DK. gshor DS. sher TC.
Voluntary: DS, TC, (Hoshi 2003).
Intransitive: DS, TC.
Characteristic Example: tshig gtam gros sogs LZ. phan tshun ND.
Meaning: To compare, to confront (Cs.) CD. To check, to count for checking DK. To think carefully, to examine again and again DS. 1. To discern true and false. 2. To research. 3. To mutually compare TC.


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