kun phan ring lugs

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1) The all-creating king; 2) universal creativity, supreme ordering principle/ creative energy of the universe, majestic/universal creativity in everything/ that fashions everything/ that makes everything possible; 3) (met mind, awareness; 4) emptiness; 3) Bhrama [IW]

1) a rdzogs chen tantra. 2) universal creativity, supreme ordering principle of the universe, creative energy of the universe, majestic creativity within everything, that which fashions everything, universal creativity that makes everything possible; the King who creates everything; "the king of all doings" [RY]

creative intelligence of the universe, supreme ordering principle of the universe, creative energy of the universe, majestic creativity within everything, that which fashions everything, universal creativity, creative intelligence that makes everything possible, majestic creative intelligence which fashions everything, master of universal creativity, the creative intelligence which fashions universes, major sems sde tantra, medicinal vegetable growing in the grass in tibet, chief agent, prince of all doings, main tantra of sems sde, the king who creates everything, Supreme Source, Kunjed Gyalpo [JV]

1) The all-creating king rdzogs chen tantra, byang chub kyi sems kun byed rgyal po lta ba nam mkha' ltar mtha' dbus med pa'i rgyud le'u brgyad cu rtsa bzhi pa, shri sengha ka la dang, bee ro tsha nas bsgyur ba]; 2) universal creativity, supreme ordering principle/ creative energy of the universe, majestic/universal creativity in everything/ that fashions everything/ that makes everything possible [Rdzogs chen gyi brda chad cig 'khor 'das kun gyi byed po'am 'khrul grol kun gyigzhir gyur pa'i rang rig byang chub kyi sems te gzhi rgyud bdebar gshegs pa'i snying po]; 3) (met) mind, awareness; 4) emptiness; 3) Bhrama, [IW]