rnal 'byor spyod pa'i sa las gzhi bsdu ba
the four yogas [bka' brgyud pas phyag rgya chen po bsgom pai lam zhig ste, sems la dmigs pa rtse gcig tu gtad pas rtse gcig dang, sems spros bral du rtogs pas spros bral dang, snang sems ro gcig tu rtogs pas ro gcig dang, mtshan bcas kyis sgom du med pas sgom med bcas bzhi'i] [IW]
the four yogas [in kagyu mahamudra meditation path, sems la dmigs pa rtse gcig tu gtad pas rtse gcig dang, sems spros bral du rtogs pas spros bral dang, snang sems ro gcig tu rtogs pas ro gcig dang, mtshan bcas kyis sgom du med pas sgom med bcas bzhi] [IW]
four yogas; 1) the Four Yogas: one-pointedness, simplicity, one taste, and nonmeditation. 2) sems dpa'i rnal 'byor sngags phyi pa gsum, rnal 'byor chen po bskyed pa ma hA yo ga, yongs su rnal 'byor lung a nu yo ga, shin tu rnal 'byor man ngag a ti yo ga [RY]
the four yogas [IW]
Four yogas are: The shape yoga of development stage, the profound yoga of mantra, the ultimate yoga of Dharma, and the yoga of total purity [RY]
Four yogas. See the 'four yogas of Mahamudra.' (phyag chen gyi rnal 'byor bzhi) [RY]
four degrees of immersion in genuine being [RB]
four yogas [IW]
four yogas [according to yogatantra see the entry under four miracles- 1) sems dpa'i rnal 'byor lngags phyi pa gsum; 2) rnal 'byor chen po bskyed pa ma (error:)haa yo ga; 3) yongs su rnal 'byor lung a nu yo ga 4) shin tu rnal 'byor man dag a ti yo ga'o (chn] [IW]
four yogas, (gnas pa'i rnal 'byor, mi g.yo ba'i rnal 'byor, mnyam nyid rnal 'byor, lhun grub rnal 'byor), four stages in rdzogs chen sems sde practice, SA ting 'dzin rnam bzhi [JV]
four yogas. The four yogas of Mahamudra: one pointedness (rtse gcig), simplicity (spros bral), one taste (ro gcig), and nonmeditation (sgom med) [RY]