Gter bdag gling pa 'gyur med rdo rje

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Buddhist Digital Resource CenterHimalayan Art Resources
Minling Terchen Gyurme Dorje (1646 - 1714) Born in: g.yo ru grwa nang dar rgyas chos sdings <br>Tibetan date of birth: Year of the Male Fire Dog, 11<sup>th</sup> sexagenary cycle. <br>Notes on dates: d


File:RTZ Minling Terchen.jpg File:Terdak Lingpa Gyurme Dorje.jpg|Himalayan Art Resources

File:Minling Terchen w brother and son.jpg|thangka created during his lifetime Himalayan Art Resources|\n|@@@|thumb|none|x200px| }}

Minling Terchen was a great tertön and the founder of Mindroling Monastery. His father was Sangdak Trinlé Lhundrup (1611-1662) and his mother was Yangchen Drolma. He was born on the tenth day of the second month of the Fire Dog year. Together with his brother Lochen Dharmashri, he played an important role in the transmission of the Nyingma Kama, bringing together the Rong lineage of Central Tibet and the Kham lineage of Eastern Tibet. The two brothers also compiled the terma collection known as the Döjo Bumzang, which was a precursor of the Rinchen Terdzö. Terdak Lingpa established Mindroling Monastery in 1676. (Source: Rigpa Wiki)

All Names
Main Wylie Name gter bdag gling pa 'gyur med rdo rje གཏེར་བདག་གླིང་པ་འགྱུར་མེད་རྡོ་རྗེ
Terton Name o rgyan gter bdag gling pa ཨོ་རྒྱན་གཏེར་བདག་གླིང་པ
Other Names
    {{#arraymap: smin gling gter chen; smin gling khri chen; pad+ma gar dbang 'gyur med rdo rje;
; @@@
  • @@@
  • }}
      {{#arraymap: སྨིན་གླིང་གཏེར་ཆེན་; སྨིན་གླིང་ཁྲི་ཆེན་; པདྨ་གར་དབང་འགྱུར་མེད་རྡོ་རྗེ་
    ; @@@
  • @@@
  • }}
    Religious Affiliation Nyingma
    Is Emanation of
      {{#arraymap: bai ro tsa na
    ; @@@
  • @@@
  • }}
    Has Following Emanations
    , @@@
  • @@@
  • }}
      {{#arraymap: Phrin las lhun grub;ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho;Pad gling gsum pa tshul khrims rdo rje
    ; @@@
  • @@@
  • }}
      {{#arraymap: 'gyur med yid bzhin legs grub;Smin gling lo chen d+harma shrI;pad+ma 'gyur med rgya mtsho;rin chen rnam rgyal;mi 'gyur dpal sgron;bsod nams lde'u btsan;Gar dbang zla ba rgyal mtshan;ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho;Pad+ma phrin las;Rdzogs chen pad+ma rig 'dzin;Dge slong blo gsal rgya mtsho;Dkon mchog 'phrin las bzang po;Khams pa ngag dbang kun dga' bstan 'dzin
    ; @@@
  • @@@
  • }}
    Treasury of Lives
    Himalayan Art Resources

    <ul><li>Property "archivistnotes" (as page type) with input value "Dates: Kongtrul records the birth year as a wood dog year, which would be 1634, while the more commonly given year of 1646 is a fire dog year. However, this latter date matches with Kongtrul's statement that he passed in a wood horse year in his 69th year, i.e. at the age of 68." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "teacherofRaw" (as page type) with input value "'gyur med yid bzhin legs grub;Smin gling lo chen d+harma shrI;pad+ma 'gyur med rgya mtsho;rin chen rnam rgyal;mi 'gyur dpal sgron;bsod nams lde'u btsan;Gar dbang zla ba rgyal mtshan;ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho;Pad+ma phrin las;Rdzogs chen pad+ma rig 'dzin;Dge slong blo gsal rgya mtsho;Dkon mchog 'phrin las bzang po;Khams pa ngag dbang kun dga' bstan 'dzin" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul>