Karma chags med

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The Treasury of LivesBuddhist Digital Resource Center
Karma Chakme (1613 - 1678) Born in: ngom <br>Tibetan date of birth: Year of the Female Water Ox, 10<sup>th</sup> sexagenary cycle. <br>

{{#arraymap:File:Karma Chakme.jpg

File:Karma Chagme.jpg|Dege Parkhang

File:Karma Chags med.jpg|Himalayan Art Resources|\n|@@@|thumb|none|x200px| }}

Karma Chakme, also known as Raga Asé (Rāgāsya), was one of the most highly realized and accomplished scholar-yogins of Tibet. An important Karma Kamtsang teacher, he was recognized by many as the incarnation of the ninth Karmapa (but not selected.) His teachers included the most famous masters of his time, both Nyingma and Kagyu. He was both the teacher and student of Tertön Mingyur Dorje. (Source: Rigpa Wiki)

All Names
Main Wylie Name karma chags med ཀརྨ་ཆགས་མེད
Other Names
    {{#arraymap: rA ga a s+ya; a rA ga;Raga Asya; Rāga Asya
; @@@
  • @@@
  • }}
      {{#arraymap: རཱ་ག་ཨ་སྱ་; ཨ་རཱ་ག་
    ; @@@
  • @@@
  • }}
    Religious Affiliation Kagyu
    Is Emanation of
      {{#arraymap: Cog ro klu'i rgyal mtshan; Mu tig btsan po
    ; @@@
  • @@@
  • }}
    Has Following Emanations
      {{#arraymap: Karma Dechen Nyingpo, Karma Tendzin Trinle
    , @@@
  • @@@
  • }}
      {{#arraymap: kun dga' rnam rgyal;sprul sku mi 'gyur rdo rje
    ; @@@
  • @@@
  • }}
      {{#arraymap: sprul sku mi 'gyur rdo rje;Rdzogs chen pad+ma rig 'dzin;Rig 'dzin kun bzang shes rab;Yon dge mi 'gyur rdo rje
    ; @@@
  • @@@
  • }}
    BDRC https://www.tbrc.org/#!rid=P649
    Treasury of Lives http://treasuryoflives.org/biographies/view/Karma-Chakme/P649
    Himalayan Art Resources