spros pa'i bskyed rim
freedom from constructs, simplicity [thd]
Simplicity. 1) The absence of creating mental construct or conceptual formulations about the nature of things. 2) The second stage in the practice of Mahamudra [RY]
spros pa dang bral ba free of/ beyond / freedom from/ transcendence of (conceptual) elaboration(s); unembellished [RB]
nisprapanca, ineffability, beyond judgment, free from (mental proliferation, mental or verbal formulation, construction, intellectual elaboration, discursiveness, complexities), associated with mahashunya, non-conceptualization and non-verbalization, non-diffusion, non-concretization of things, undispersed spirituality, unconstructed, simplicity, unconditioned, free from extremes of elaboration, SA rnal 'byor rnam bzhi, transcend concepts, freedom from limiting constructs, free of concepts, free of conceptual elaborations, beyond conceptual limits, unformulated, non-conceptual [JV]
simplicity, freedom from/ free of (conceptual) elaborations; unembellished free of elaborations, freedom from conceptual elaboration. freedom from constructing, non-complex, simplicity, without fabrication. unconditioned. "Free from [mental] complexities / elaborations / fabrications, 2) one of the phyag rgya chen po'i rnal 'byor bzhi the four yogas of Mahamudra. the second yoga of Mahamudra, "beyond playwords"; free of conceptual elaborations; free of conceptual complication; free of mental elaborations, free of elaborations, see also spros bral rnal 'byor [RY]
unconditioned, simplicity, free from (mental complexities [IW]