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Edgerton Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary
(-)upaga, (1)
Entry: 3644
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(upaga, (-)upaga)
(-)upaga, (1)¦ at end of cpds. = -upaka (1); with MIndic g for k, partly induced by secondary association with upa-ga(m)-; cf. Aśokan chāyopagāni, concerned with (i.e. providing) shade; belonging to: Dharmas 129 ākāśānan- tyāyatanopagāḥ, and three others of the same group incl. naivasaṃjñānāsaṃjñāyatanopagāḥ (q.v. for other occurrences; see -upaka; Pali has °yatanūpaga); Mvy 6050 hastopagaḥ, 6051 pādopagaḥ, lit. doubtless belonging to the hands or feet, of ornaments placed there (Tib. rgyan = ornament); Pali has hatthupaga and pādupaga, Vv. comm. 12.5, as epithets of ornaments; (2) n. of an Ājīvaka, = Upaka (2), q.v.: Divy 393.20 (so mss., wrongly em. [Page134-b+ 71] in ed. to Upagaṇa); LV 406.7 (vs), same as Ud xxi.5, in both Upaga for Upaka of Pali correspondent and Mv iii.326.20 (LV tenopaga jino hy ahaṃ; Ud tato 'ham upaga jino; LV alone corrects the meter by transposing Upaga; Pali Vin. i.8.29 tasmāham upaka jino).
(-)upaka, (1)
Entry: 3621
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(upaka, (-)upaka)
(-)upaka, (1)¦ at end of cpds. (= Pali -upaka, -ūpaka, °ikā f.; BHS also has equivalent -upaga, q.v.), pertaining, belonging to…; suitable, appropriate (to)…; fit (for)…; like: Vaj. fragment in Pargiter ap. Hoernle MR 180.3--4 naivasaṃjñānopakā(ḥ), haplog. for naivasaṃjñānāsaṃjñā- yatanopakāḥ, which read, belonging to the… (= °yatano- pagāḥ Dharmas 129, see -upaga; Vaj. ed. 20.18--19 reads naivasaṃjñino nāsaṃjñino, a secondary recast); kulopaka (= Pali kulūpaka), lit. belonging to a family, = family associate, said of a monk who is regularly supported by a certain family, Mv i.244.12 (tasya yo mātāpitṛṇāṃ, so mss., Senart em. °tṝṇāṃ) bhikṣu kulopako āsi; (in Av ii.67.9 replaced by kulopagata, q.v.; in Mv iii.453.3 wrongly read by em. in text, see s.v. kalopī;) also, by extension, said of the houses visited by such monks, Divy 307.2 kulopaka- (mss. kulopa-) gṛheṣu gatvā, and 3 te kulopakagṛhāṇy upasaṃkrāntāḥ; prob. by analogy with this word Mv iii.372.16 prajñopaka (em. for ājñop°, ājñāp°; context makes em. seem quite certain), dependent on prajñā, (śīlaṃ śiriṃ [so mss.] caiva kṛtajñatā ca) prajñopakā tu pravarā bhavanti, but (the virtues of) morality, majesty, and gratitude are excellent (but) subordi- nate to prajñā; akāryopaka, not fit for use, KP 131.2 anarghaṃ vaiḍūryamahāmaṇiratnam uccāre patitam akār- yopakaṃ bhavati; yathopakam, adv., according to what is fitting, Mv iii.257.6; 272.4 (after a seat of honor has been provided for the Buddha) °kaṃ ca bhikṣusaṃghasya, and (seats) for the assembly of monks according to propriety (i.e. relative rank); nirupaka, apparently adj., without a correspondent or match, peerless, unequalled, Gv 301.11 (vs) dharmaś ca me nirupakāyu (i.e. nirupaka = °kaḥ [Page133-b+ 71] plus ayu = ayaṃ) śrutaḥ; (2) (= Pali id.) n. of a Ājīvaka, with whom Buddha conversed while going to Benares to deliver his First Sermon: Mv iii.325.12 ff. (note esp. 326.20 tasmād ahaṃ upaka jino, a line which elsewhere contains the form Upaga, q.v.); (3) n. of a purohita's son in the Upāli-Gaṅgapāla Jātaka: Mv iii.184.1 ff.; corresponds to the character Aḍḍhamāsaka in the Pali Gaṅgamāla Jāt., see DPPN.
(Avabhās°) Obhāsarāja
Entry: 2121
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(oBAsarAja, (avaBAs°) oBAsarAja)
(Avabhās°) Obhāsarāja¦, n. of a Buddha: Gv 256.19 (vs).
(Avabhās°) Obhāsasāgaraviyūha
Entry: 2123
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(oBAsasAgaraviyUha, (avaBAs°) oBAsasAgaraviyUha)
(Avabhās°) Obhāsasāgaraviyūha¦, n. of a Buddha: Gv 257.24 (vs; read °haḥ for °haṃ).
Entry: 15856
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(samanupaSyanatA, (a)samanupaSyana-tA)
(a)samanupaśyana-tā¦ (cf. Pali samanupassanā, f.), (non-)consideration: (yā ātmikānāṃ) dharmāṇām a-°tā ŚsP 1464.15.
Entry: 324
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(tisaMlayana, (a)tisaMlayana)
[(a)tisaṃlayana¦, doubtless error for prati°, privacy: Divy 204.4 sāyāhne 'tisaṃlayanād vyutthāya; this phrase regularly has pratisaṃlayanād (q.v.), and there seems little doubt that the syllable pra has been accidentally lost from the text.]
Entry: 5102
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(kUhaka, (a-)kUhaka)
(a-)kūhaka¦, adj., (not) deceiving: Dbh.g. 16(352).18 sumanāś ca akūhakaś ca; prob. m.c. for Skt. kuhaka. Cf. next.
Entry: 17467
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(spfhaRatA, (a-)spfhaRa-tA)
(a-)spṛhaṇa-tā¦ (Skt. spṛhaṇa), the (not) desiring: LV 34.18 (prose).
(abhivyūhayati,) abhivyūhita
Entry: 1640
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(aBivyUhita, (aBivyUhayati,) aBivyUhita)
(abhivyūhayati,) abhivyūhita¦, ppp. (to abhi with denom. *vyūhayati to Skt. vyūha), festively adorned: LV 273.17 (prose) mārgo 'bhivyūhito 'bhūt.
(ahirī,) ahrīka, ahirīka
Entry: 2500
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(ahrIka, (ahirI,) ahrIka, ahirIka)
(ahirī,) ahrīka, ahirīka¦, adj. (= Pali ahirīka; neg. to hrī plus -ka; in Skt. Lex. ahrīka only = a Buddhist!), shameless: ahirīkāś (mss. ahīrikāś) ca bhavanti Mv i.110.8 (prose); ahrīkeṇa Jm 98.19 (prose); ahirīko anotrapo Mv iii.11.4 (vs; here used of a very ugly man, without other evident cause for the epithet); in Ud xx.5 oldest ms. ahirī (Bhvr.), later ms. ahrīko (Sktizing).
Entry: 3606
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(unnahana, (an-)unnahana(-tA)
(an-)unnahana(-tā)¦, (cf. Skt. unnaddha, haughty), (state of absence of) pride: Śikṣ 119.5.
(anukhanati,) anukhaneti
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(anuKaneti, (anuKanati,) anuKaneti)
(anukhanati,) anukhaneti¦ (Pali anukhaṇe, opt.), digs near or the like: nyagrodhapotaṃ…anukhaneti Mv iii.301.16.
(avarūpayati,) orūpayati
Entry: 2138
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(orUpayati, (avarUpayati,) orUpayati)
(avarūpayati,) orūpayati¦, cuts off (hair): Mv i.169.14 (vs) keśāṃ ca orūpayanti. On the form see Chap. 43, s.v. ruh- (5).
(aśate,) asate
Entry: 2310
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(asate, (aSate,) asate)
(aśate,) asate¦, 1 sg. ase (to Skt. aś-nāti), I eat (cf. Pali *asati, pres. pple. asamāna, etc.): Mv ii.56.10 amṛtaṃ pi no ase (so with mss.), I do not eat even nectar; the cor- responding Pali vs, Jāt. v. 397.29, has udakaṃ pi nāsmiye (asmiye, I [would] eat, see CPD s.v.).
Entry: 13119
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(vakkala, (maRi-)vakkala)
[(maṇi-)vakkala¦, false reading Mv ii.472.3; read maṇi-valayā (with ms. C, quoted as °valapā).]
Entry: 15729
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(saMtutikA, (su-)saMtutikA)
(su-)saṃtutikā¦, adj., semi-MIndic or false Sktization (cf. Pali saṃthutika), f. to saṃstutaka, q.v.: LV 322.2 (vs; the best ms. reads saṃstu°).
Entry: 4863
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(kiMnarIjAtaka, (SrI-)kiMnarI-jAtaka)
(śrī-)Kiṃnarī-jātaka¦, nt., n. of a jātaka-tale: (colophon) Mv ii.115.5.
Entry: 15013
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(SirijAtaka, (SrI-)Siri-jAtaka)
(śrī-)Śiri-jātaka¦ (v.l. Śirī°), n. of a jātaka (see Śrī 4): colophon, Mv ii.94.14. No correspondent in Pali Jāt.; the Siri-j., 284, is wholly different.
(śuvetanā,) suvetanā
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(suvetanA, (SuvetanA,) suvetanA)
(śuvetanā,) suvetanā¦ (mss. suce°), adv., shortened form (m.c. ?) for śuvetanāya, °ye, for the morrow: adhi- vāsa…(mss. corrupt) bhagavāṃ °nā sārdhaṃ (read sārdha, m.c.) bhikṣusaṃghena Mv i.307.2 (vs).
Entry: 7492
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(dekKiya, *-dekKiya)
*-dekkhiya¦, MIndic, worthy to be seen, implied by a-dekṣiya, q.v.
Entry: 17541
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(svapnAntalokamuni, *svapnAntalokamuni)
[*Svapnāntalokamuni¦, see Supinānta°.]
Entry: 475
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(aDyavagacCati, *aDyavagacCati)
[*adhyavagacchati:¦ °gacchan in Lefm. LV 239.5 (prose), pres. pple.; an otherwise unknown form. Required is adhyagacchaṃ, I studied; so read; several mss. adhya- gacchan, before sākṣād-akārṣam; cf. lines 8--9 below, dharmaḥ sākṣātkṛto 'dhigataḥ.]
Entry: 1064
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(anusahAya, *anu-sahAya)
*anu-sahāya¦, a follower-after (cf. Skt. Gr. anu- sahāyībhāva, Patañjali, see BR 7 App., 1695), in anu- sahāyībhūtā(ḥ), become followers: SP 380.3.
*apacayati = apacāyati
Entry: 1237
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(apacayati, *apacayati = apacAyati)
[*apacayati = apacāyati¦, honors: in Mv iii.138.8 (prose) ger. apacayitvā, so printed without v.l. or note. But elsewhere, as i.44.12, apacāyitvā is printed in the same phrase, and this should probably be read here. Misprint?]
Entry: 1230
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(apakrAntaka, *apakrAntaka)
*apakrāntaka¦, see avakrāntaka.
Entry: 2028
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(avakas, *ava-kas-)
*ava-kas-?¦ see okasta.
*avapunati, °punāpayati
Entry: 2104
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(avapunati, *avapunati, °punApayati)
*avapunati, °punāpayati¦, see o-pu°.
Entry: 7983
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(DyAyati, *DyAyati)
*dhyāyati¦ or *dhyāyeti, burns (trans.), cremates; caus. *dhyāpayati or °peti, id., hyper-Skt. to Pali jhāyati (intrans.), jhāpeti (caus.); § 2.14. Cf. abhidhyāyati, which is intrans.; otherwise BHS seems to have only caus., or at least trans., forms; emendation of y to p in four occurrences would make them all caus. in form. Used of cremating dead bodies: dhyāpiyantānāṃ (em. Senart, mss. dhyāniy°), pres. pple. pass. gen. pl., of (Buddhas) being cremated, Mv i.126.2; (-buddhaṃ) dhyāyetvā Mv i.302.12; 304.12 (mss.); dhyāyito Mv ii.78.15; 174.11; dhyāpita- (same mg.) Mv i.357.17; RP 57.2.
Entry: 8387
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(nirdeSayati, *nirdeSayati)
*nirdeśayati¦, see nideśita.
Entry: 8523
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(niSCavIkftvA, *niSCavI-kftvA)
*niśchavī-kṛtvā¦, see nicchavi°.
Entry: 15987
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(samayati, *samayati)
*samayati¦ (denom. from Skt. sama), see sameti.
Entry: 16097
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(samuttara, *samuttara)
*samuttara¦, a crossing over (cf. next), in an-a-samut- taro Mv i.14.10 (vs), having no crossing over, that cannot be crossed over, see under an-a-. Senart assumes that °tara is for °tāra (next), presumably m.c.; meter does indeed require a short penult. But neither °tara nor °tāra seems to be recorded except here and in the Divy passages, which are substantially repetitions of a single passage.
Entry: 17283
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(seti, *se-ti)
*se-ti¦, for Skt. sīvyati, sews: gdve. setavya, MSV ii.50.13, 15; inf. setum, ib. 50.16; see § 28.50 and Chap. 43, s.v. sīv (2).
Entry: 3318
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(utkAreti, *utkAreti)
*utkāreti¦ (°rayati, °rati?), ger. °ritvā, having emptied: Mv i.327.3 (prose) (bhājanāni…) pūretvā utkāritvā, having filled and emptied the pots. The mg. is clear; etym.? to utkirati? Senart em. utkiritvā, without good reason.
Entry: 13739
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(vijahayati, *vijahayati)
*vijahayati¦, irreg. caus. to vijahati, causes to leave: śravaṇopavicāraṃ vijahayya (ger., Whitney 1051d) Bhīk 15a.5, having caused (the initiate) to leave the range of hearing, see upavicāra 2.
Entry: 14619
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(vyatikASati, *vyatikASa(ya)ti)
*vyatikāśa(ya)ti¦, see vītikāśeti.
Entry: 14625
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(vyatilokayati, *vyatilokayati)
*vyatilokayati¦, see vītiloketi.
*vyatinamati, vīti°
Entry: 14620
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(vyatinamati, *vyatinamati, vIti°)
*vyatinamati, vīti°¦, passes (intrans.; a time-expres- sion as subject): madhyantike vītinate (ppp.) Mv iii.185.16, now that high noon has passed; caus. °nāmayati (in Mv vīti- nāmeti = Pali id.), passes (trans.; a time-expression as object, or subject of pass.) (saptāham…) vyatināmitam LV 380.14, a week was passed; saptāhaṃ…vītināmeti (301.1; 302.21 °mesi, aor.) Mv iii.300.14; 301.1; 302.21, spent a week.
Entry: 14627
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(vyatisaMcarati, *vyatisaMcarati)
*vyatisaṃcarati¦, see vīti°.
Entry: 14626
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(vyatisaMkrama, *vyatisaMkrama)
*vyatisaṃkrama¦, see vīti°.
Entry: 3097
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(Asvapati, *Asvapati)
*āsvapati¦, nowhere recorded except in BHS ppp. āsupta, and caus. adj. or nom. act. āsvāpana, qq.v.; must have meant goes to sleep (caus. puts to sleep).
Entry: 3207
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(Iryati, *Iryati)
*īryati¦, see iryati.
*ūjñā, *ūñā
Entry: 3961
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(UjYA, *UjYA, *UYA)
*ūjñā, *ūñā¦, or *ūṇā (Skt. avajñā), see s.v. ujña-ka.
Entry: 5843
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(gocarika, --gocarika)
--gocarika¦, adj., (1) providing sustenance (see s.v. gocara, 3) for… (monks): (tatraiko) baṇig bhikṣugoca- rikaḥ Divy 307.21; (2) (= Pali gocariya, see below), ? an epithet of wool, some of which is to be used in making coverlets for monks, Prāt 496.10, 12; they are to be made of two parts ‘pure black’ (śuddha-kāḍānāṃ) wool, one part white (avadātānāṃ), and the fourth part gocarikā- nāṃ (gen. pl.), which acc. to Finot is rendered in Chin. by (wool) of inferior quality. In the close Pali parallel Vin. iii.226.25 ff. (ignored in PTSD; Childers records it from Minayeff's Prātimokṣa S.) the corresponding epithet, gocariya, is said by the comm. 684.21 to mean tawny (kapilavaṇṇānaṃ); this is adopted by Childers; also transl. SBE 13.25 ‘of the colour of oxen (reddish brown)’, or (below) ‘tawny’; it seems like a dubious guess.
Entry: 1617
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(aBilagna, -aBilagna)
-abhilagna¦ (only in śakrābhi°, q.v.), fixed upon, worn by (Tib. on Mvy 5960 thogs pa, presumably to ḥdogs pa, tie or fasten on). [Page056-a+ 71]
Entry: 1625
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(aBilokana, -aBilokana)
-abhilokana¦, ifc. (adj.? or n. act., in Bhvr. cpd.? to Skt. abhi-lokayati), seeing: LV 179.2 (vs) bahudharma- śatābhilokane…cakṣuṣi (nt. acc. dual).
Entry: 1608
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(aBirucitaka, -aBirucitaka)
-abhirucitaka¦, adj. (= Skt. and Pali °ta), in yathā- bhirucitakam, adv., as one pleases: Mmk 76.19 (prose; not dimin.).
Entry: 1690
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(aBisaMBava, -aBisaMBava)
-abhisaṃbhava¦, see dur-abhi°.
Entry: 1693
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(aBisaMBuRa, -aBisaMBuRa)
-abhisaṃbhuṇa¦ (to next), see dur-abhi°.
Entry: 1686
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(aBisaMbudDana, -aBisaMbudDana)
-abhisaṃbuddhana¦ (nt.; n. act. in -ana from abhisaṃbuddhati = °budhyati, q.v.), the becoming perfectly enlightened: Bbh 328.22, in cpd., (praṇidhānam…) anuttarasamyaksaṃbodhy-abhisaṃbuddhana-tāyai.
Entry: 1683
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(aBisaMpravarzaRatA, -aBisaMpravarzaRa-tA)
-abhisaṃpravarṣaṇa-tā¦ (no cpd. abhi-sam-pra-vṛṣ is recorded), state of raining down (abundantly): Gv 74.22 meghābhi°.
Entry: 1627
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(aBivarzika, -aBivarzika)
-abhivarṣika¦, adj. (= Skt. °varṣin, Pali °vassi), raining, pouring down: Gv 481.9 (vs) amṛtābhivarṣikāḥ, n. pl. m. (-ka m.c.?).
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(aDaraka, -aDaraka)
-adharaka¦, fem. -ikā (= Skt. adhara), in Bhvr. cpd., lower lip, endearing diminutive (§ 22.34): bimba- supakvanibhādharikā[ḥ], LV 322.14 (vs), of daughters of Māra.
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(aDikArika, -aDikArika)
-adhikārika¦, ifc. adj., f. °kī, (= Pali id.), referring [Page012-b+ 71] to, concerned with: -pratyaṅgaśīrṣachedādhikārikāś ca duḥkhās Gv 159.21; kiṃcid evālpaṃ vā prabhūtaṃ vā pūjādhikārikam akṛtvā Bbh 160.19, without doing at least something, be it little or much, that relates to homage; dharmā- dhikārikī kathā MSV i.162.14. In MPS 45.2 and 6 (prose) yasya vayaṃ pūjādhikārikām autsukyaṃ na samāpannāḥ, I cannot explain the ā in °kām (reported 3 times from 2 mss.); I should expect °kam; a fem. substantive °kā seems implausible.
-adhimoca, °cya
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(aDimoca, -aDimoca, °cya)
-adhimoca, °cya¦, only in dur-adhi°, q.v.
Entry: 433
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(aDimuktaka, -aDimuktaka)
[-adhimuktaka¦, see °tika.]
Entry: 435
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(aDimuktika, -aDimuktika)
-adhimuktika¦ (once °taka, probably by error; to prec. plus -ka; = Pali -adhimuttika; in both Pali and BHS used only ifc. Bhvr.), having a zealous interest (adhi- mukti) in…: hīnādhi° (generally with sattvāḥ) Mvy 2448; SP 109.2; 110.7; LV 248.14; 289.10; Sukh 71.14; lūkhādhi° (= hīnādhi°) Mv ii.313.9; adharmādhi° LV 257.21; nānādhi° Mv iii.321.1; anekādhi° 2; udārādhi° LV 439.3; Gv 94.17 (text °muktak°, corr. 2d ed.); Sukh 7.5; audārādhi° Gv 534.20 (see audāra); -buddhadhar- mādhi° Samādh 19.2 (°muktikena, v.l. °muktena).
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(aDimuktikatA, -aDimuktika-tA)
-adhimuktika-tā¦ (= Pali °muttikatā), abstr. from preceding, state of having zealous interest: hīnādhi° SP 105.1; 109.6.
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(aDyayitA, -aDyayitA)
? -adhyayitā¦, in sarvaśāstrādhya°, Mv i.78.16 (prose), without v.l. or note; seems clearly intended for -adhyāyi-tā, from Skt. adhyāyin (Pali -ajjhāyi); state of being a reader or student.
Entry: 144
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(agreRa, -agreRa)
-agreṇa¦, postpos., (beginning) from, of time. (In Pali it seems that only agge is used in this sense, not aggena as PTSD says; CPD seems to be right in saying that aggena means only according to.) tadagreṇa, from that (time) on, LV 19.4; 265.9; 407.10; adyāgreṇa, from now on, SP 107.3; 467.12; Mv i.365.13; Av i.89.7; ii.13.2; Divy 7.10; 32.8; 53.8; 72.2: 187.21, etc.; Bhīk 24b.4.
Entry: 39
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(akumBa, -akumBa)
-akumbha¦, best of its kind (lit. no pot, no commonplace thing), ifc.: avataṃsakṛtākumbhaṃ kretum icchati kaḥ kumbham Jm 101.14 (vs; with word-play), who wants to buy this jar which is a no-jar made into a crown?; 186.16, see s.v. sātman.
Entry: 1973
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(alaMkArika, -alaMkArika)
-alaṃkārika¦, adj. ifc. (cf. pw 7.309), in tad-alaṃ- kārikaṃ (read as cpd.) Divy 247.24, pertaining to that (or those) ornament(s).
-antarīya (1)
Entry: 1151
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(antarIya, -antarIya)
-antarīya (1)¦ adj. ifc. (from Skt. antara), belonging to a different…, see gotrāntarīya, and cf. -antarīyaka; [(2) ? nt. (= Skt. Lex. and Pali Lex. id., Pkt. antarijja; once in Skt. literature, see Schmidt, Nachträge), under- garment: SP 212.12; 213.2 baddhvā (mss. in 212.12 bad- dho) 'ntarīye. But WT cite ms. Ḱ both times as bad- dhvottarīye, supported by Tib. bla gos, upper garment (Skt. uttarīya); doubtless read so.]
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(antarIyaka, -antarIyaka)
-antarīyaka¦, adj. ifc., = -antarīya, adj.; see jāty- antarīyaka.
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(antika, -antika)
-antika¦, adj. (from anta; = Pali id.), ending in…: abhisamayāntika, ending in abhisamaya, q.v. (1): °kaṃ kuśalamūlam Mvy 1208; °kaḥ (without noun, context not clear; sc. mārgaḥ?) Mvy 6891; belonging to, related to, connected with, occasioned by, (prakramaṇa-, etc.; corresp. to Pali list Vin. i.256.20 ff.) MSV ii.161.16 ff. For other cpds. see s.v. -aṃśika, and śākhāntika.
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(anuBavanatA, -anuBavana-tA)
-anubhavana-tā¦ (cf. Pali anubhavana, same mg.): lokānubhavanatayā LV 157.7 (prose), of the Bodhisattva, by way of experiencing worldly life: substantially = lokānu- vartanā, see anuvartanā.
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(anuDAra, -anuDAra)
-anudhāra¦, adj., f. , bearing, holding (in attendance? anu): Divy 513.25 -vilepanānudhārī (f.). [Page028-a+ 71]
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(anuDArin, -anuDArin)
-anudhārin¦, adj., keeping, holding fast to: Gv 222.22 sarvabuddhakathānudhāriṇāṃ (gen. pl.).
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(anulomanatA, -anulomana-tA)
-anulomana-tā¦ (abstr. from Skt. °na, adj.), the acting conformably to: dharmānu° LV 35.20.
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(anuparivartin, -anuparivartin)
-anuparivartin¦, adj. in comp. (= Pali °vattin; from °vartati), moving after or according to, following: jñānānu- parivarti(n) (= Pali ñāṇānuparivatti-n) LV 435.3--4; id., in list of āveṇika buddhadharmāḥ, Mv i.160.10 f.; Mvy 148--150; ŚsP 1450.10 f.; cittānu° (= Pali °vatti-n) Mvy 2168; satyānuparivarti-vāk-LV 440.3; °vartinyā…girā Mv ii.197.10; perhaps read °vartinī (vāc) Gv 455.1, see prec.; dīrghānuparivartin (of Buddha) who has long followed (the proper course) LV 8.7; Mvy 2161; similarly sadānu° Mvy 2162.
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(anuprapUra, -anuprapUra)
-anuprapūra¦, adj. ifc., fulfilling (cf. next): °pūre, voc. sg. f.: sattvārthasamantā-(mss. °matā-, °matvā-, em. Nobel)-nuprapūre Suv 117.8 (so nearly all mss.; text °pure with 1 ms.).
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(anuprekzin, -anuprekzin)
-anuprekṣin¦ (Pali -anupekkhin; see prec.), examining, investigating: deśānu° MSV ii.170.11.
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(anupIqana, -anupIqana)
-anupīḍana¦, f. °ī, as final in cpd. adj. (Bhvr.? cf. next; cf. Pali anupīḷita; no cpd. of anu-pīḍ- in Skt.), oppressing: Mmk 114.15 (vs) parasattvānupīḍanīm (sc. pūjām). A possible, but less likely, analysis would be parasattvānu (gen. pl., m.c., = °nāṃ) pī°.
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(anupIqin, -anupIqin)
-anupīḍin¦, adj. (see prec.), oppressing: Mmk 151.1 (vs) parasattvānupīḍinaḥ, with mantrā(ḥ); for a less likely analysis cf. prec.
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(anurakzaRatA, -anurakzaRa-tA)
-anurakṣaṇa-tā¦, ifc. (see next), state of protecting…: ātmaparānurakṣaṇa-tāyai LV 32.19; bahujanacittānurak- ṣaṇa-tayā Laṅk 247.8, 16.
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(anuravaRa, -anuravaRa)
-anuravaṇa¦ (nt.; Pali °nā), resounding: Dbh 83.17; Gv 247.10; °ṇa-tā, Gv 82.23.
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(anuvAhin, -anuvAhin)
-anuvāhin¦, adj., ifc., carried along by, lit. having… as that which carries along: saṃsārasroto-'nuvāhin (read as one cpd.) Dbh 28.23 (°hinas); 31.23 (°hi); Dbh.g. 11(347).17 (m.c. °srota-anuvāhina).
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(anuyogin, -anuyogin)
-anuyogin¦ (= Pali id., only ifc.), characterized by devotion (anuyoga): satatānuyogī Mv i.357.12 (same cpd. in Pali, Pv iii.7.10, where ed. sattānuyogino, but see comm. 206.7).
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(anuSaMsaka, -anuSaMsaka)
-anuśaṃsaka¦ (or -ānu°), = anuśaṃsa, q.v., in Bhvr. adj. cpd.: mahānu° Divy 200.14, of great advantage.
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(anUccalita, -anUccalita)
-anūccalita¦, ppp. of *anu-uc-cal, pursuing, following: Gv 72.23--24 -praṇidhy-anūc°.
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(apacAyaka, -apacAyaka)
-apacāyaka¦ (to next), honoring, one who honors, in kulajyeṣṭhāpa° Mv i.46.9; 198.6 = ii.2.3; Bbh 252.22; in Divy 293.26 text akulejyeṣṭh°, q.v.
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(apahArakam, -apahArakam)
-apahārakam¦, adv. (quasi-ger.), in gallāpa° Mvy 8584, not stuffing (the cheeks); so Tib., ḥkhur ba (= mkhur ba) [mi] sbo; same mg. seems assured for Pali ava-gaṇḍa- kārakaṃ Vin. iv. 196.11 (SBE 13 p. 64 line 16 and n. 2); a Stein fragment of BHS, La Vallée Poussin JRAS 1913 p. 846 line 1, has corruptly gṛṣma-hārakam. [Page046-b+ 71]
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(apakarzaRatA, -apakarzaRa-tA)
-apakarṣaṇa-tā¦ (Skt. °ṇa), state of removing: LV 32.3 (prose).
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(apakarzin, -apakarzin)
-apakarṣin¦, adj., removing: LV 281.11 (prose) sarvakleśāpakarṣiṇyā (prabhayā).
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(apamardana, -apamardana)
-apamardana¦, nt. (= Skt. ava°, Pali avamaddana), crushing, ruin, destruction: rāṣṭrāpa° Divy 63.1; 548.9.
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(arGyeya, -arGyeya)
-arghyeya¦, see an-a°.
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(atisArin, -atisArin)
-atisārin¦ (to prec.; cf. Pali id.), transgressing: vinay- ātisāriṇīr duṣṭhulā āpattīr deśayitvā MSV iii.79.5; simi- larly 86.12 etc.
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(attamanas, -attamanas)
-attamanas¦, adj. (= Pali id., BHS ātta°), in an-atta° not glad, Gv 411.8. Possibly retention of MIndic short a- before consonant cluster; § 3.32; but may be mere corrup- tion for -ātta°.
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(atyastam, -atyastam)
-atyastam¦, ifc. adv. (cf. Pāṇ.2.1.24), when…has passed, after…: anekajanmātyastam Laṅk 251.9.
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(avacara, -avacara)
-avacara¦ (= Pali id.; orig. noun, cf. Senart Mv i.397, but only used at end of Bhvr. cpds., having…as scope; f. °rī; called ‘ts.’ by CPD, but clearly a Buddhist word, as stated in pw s.v.; found virtually only in Bu. works and Lexx. in Skt.; otherwise occurs once in Rājat. (?), and, to be sure, yajñāvacará in MS., see pw s.v.; despite these rare Skt. occurrences belongs fundamentally to Pali and BHS, where it is very common); scope, sphere, range of activity or existence: antarīkṣāv° who live in the atmo- sphere SP 288.10 (devatāḥ); Mv i.33.5 (śuddhāvāsakāyika deva); dakṣiṇāvacara, vāmāv°, having the right (left; viz. part of the womb) as his abiding-place LV 55.5, 6; buddha- śāsanāv° Śikṣ 214.10 within the scope of the Buddha's commands (wrongly Bendall); saṃsārāvacarīṃ…sam- yagdṛṣṭim Śikṣ 316.16, true views regarding the saṃsāra; saṃskṛtāv° Gv 496.6, things in the realm of the conditioned; traidhātukāv° Bbh 246.25, belonging to the sphere of the trai°; caturbhir mārāv° Dbh 54.17, with Rahder, citing a Jap. source, things belonging to the four Māra-domains, i.e. the domains of the four Māra, q.v.; atarkāv° Mv iii.314.2, not within the scope of reasoning (of dharma; so Pali atakkāv°, of dhamma); akṣudrāv° Mv ii.9.1 (of the Bodhisattva's mother); ii.1.7 (of the family where the [Page071-a+ 71] Bodhisattva is born); antaḥpurāv° Jm 185.24, whose business was the harem: turagāv° Buddhac. v. 68, groom; esp. in kāmāv°, rūpāv°, arūpāv° (or ārūpyāv°), of classes of gods, see under these entries. See also tāḍāvacara.
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(avakrAma, -avakrAma)
-avakrāma¦ (to avakrāmati), entrance (into a way or course; so Pali avakkanti, with niyāma): Gv 460.3 dur-avakrāmo bodhisattvaniyāmo 'vakramitavyaḥ.
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(avakrAntaka, -avakrAntaka)
-avakrāntaka¦, also °ika, f. °ikā, only in tīrthikāv°, one who has gone over to heretics, a renegade Buddhist: Mvy 8759 °takaḥ; Bhīk 16b.2 °tikā. The corresp. Pali, Vin. i.89.35, has titthiya-pakkantaka, apparently = prakrānta(ka); but I suspect that the true original of both this and avakr° was *apakrāntaka; Pali apakkamati and apakkanta are used in mgs. very close to this, and neither ava-nor pra-kram- seems so appropriate.
-avakrāntika = °taka:
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(avakrAntika, -avakrAntika = °taka)
-avakrāntika = °taka:¦ tīrthikāv° MSV ii.204.10.
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(avalambaka, -avalambaka)
-avalambaka¦, m., and °ikā, f., see nagarāvalam- baka, °ikā.
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(avalehakam, -avalehakam)
-avalehakam¦, adv. (Skt. °ka, adj., one who licks, BR 5.1063; so, hastāvalehakā(ḥ) abudhāḥ, foolish hand- lickers, said of certain ascetics, LV 258.5), in a manner accompanied by licking (of the hands or bowl; said of the cating process): Prāt 533.10 (Mvy 8587) na hastāvaleha- kaṃ piṇḍapātaṃ paribhokṣyāmaḥ, and Prāt 533.11 (Mvy 8588) na pātrāvalehakam…The Pali equivalent (Vin. iv. 198.5, 11) is -nillehakaṃ; but hatthāpalekhana also occurs (PTSD).
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(avavicArAd, -avavicArAd)
[-avavicārād¦ Śikṣ 271.13, seeming text, but only by misprint; see gurula.]
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(aSva, -aSva)
-aśva¦, see gajāśva.
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(aMSika, -aMSika)
-aṃśika¦ (cf. 1 aṃśa, 2), ifc., belonging to the part of; pertaining to; sometimes with vṛddhi of first syllable of prior member of cpd.: maraṇāṃśika Mvy 5345, upa- pattyaṃśika 5346, belonging to (the part of) death, birth; Tib. char gtogs pa, included in the division of (Das); aupa- pattyaṃśika = upa° Śikṣ 226.7 ff. (Śāl 87.10 ff.); 253.3, 5. Equivalent to -aṃśika are -antika in māraṇāntika Śikṣ 226.7 ff. (same passage Śāl) and -aṅgika in aupa- pattyaṅgika Laṅk 277.6 (said of citta). It is natural to suspect that corruption of tradition is responsible for one or two of these. But (1) all can be plausibly explained as of independent origin; (2) -aṃśika is well authenticated, while -antika is supported by Pali (māraṇantika Miln. 48.11).
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(aNgika, -aNgika)
-aṅgika¦, see -aṃśika.
-balika, (1)
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(balika, -balika)
-balika, (1)¦ adj. (only ifc.; = Pali id., Skt. balin), strong, having strength of…, in…; bāhu-°kaḥ SP 73.1, 2; 79.1 (all prose); others Bbh 9.21; 17.3; 73.12; 322.7; Sukh 61.10 (all prose); (2) n. of a nāga king: Mvy 3260; Māy 247.22.