
From Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionary
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/ (1.(Tha mi dad pa) phung ba, 'phung ba,, ; 1) be damaged/ harmed, sink, begin to decay/ decline, be in declining circumstances, get into misery [nyams nyes 'byung ba'am, nyams rgud 'byung ba, rang stobs rang gis spel thabs ma byas par mi la re bas 'phung, 'jig rten bzas nas mi 'phung nyal nas 'phung, mi 'phung rang brlag]; 2) mnyam du 'du ba dang, bsdebs 'dzoms thebs pa, 'phral du thag gcod byed dgos pa'i las don mang po dus gcig tu 'phung ba; 3) harm ['phung chen gyos pa] [IW]

/ (1.(Tha mi dad pa phung ba, 'phung ba,; 1) be damaged/ harmed, sink, begin to decay/ decline, be in declining circumstances, get into misery; 2) mnyam du 'du ba dang, bsdebs 'dzoms thebs pa, 'phral du thag gcod byed dgos pa'i las don mang po dus gcig tu 'phung ba; 3) harm [IW]

rang gis rang 'phung ba ruining themselves [RY]

to sink, to begin to decay, to be in declining circumstances, to get into misery; 'phung ba, phung ba, 'phung ba intr. v [RY]

degenerate, decay, declining circumstances, wear away [JV]