'phro bcad
the nail of emanating buddha activity. [one of the four nails which control the life breath, srog sdom gzer bzhi in mahayoga [, in particular the one establishing supeme buddha activity. At the time of being below in samsara it purifies the actions of the three gates. At the time of beingabove in buddhahood, it perfects the ground as the fruition of inconceivable buddha activity. In between at the time of the path, by training in the spontaneous activities of the two benefits, the ordinary path of the completion stage with object, and objectless realization of wisdom, the yoga of manifesting luminosity, ripen as purification of the phenomenal world as the kaya of light.] [IW]
the nail of emanating buddha activity. [one of the four nails which control the life breath, srog sdom gzer bzhi in mahayoga [IW]