bar ma do'i srid pa

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the middle vow [to abandon what is harmful and engage in what is free from harm] [IW]

'limited vow'; Mipham Rinpoche: [[dus ji 'dod zhig tu dge ba'am mi dge ba gang yin la 'jug pa thob pa ste, dper na zla ba gcig gi bar du zas ma zos gong du sangs rgyas la phyag 'tshal bar byed do snyam pa lta bu zla gcig gi bar du dge ba'i sdom pa thob pa dang, yang zla gcig gi bar du log par g.yem par bya'o snyam du dam bcas pas thob pa mi dge ba lta bu'o]] The 'Limited vow' is obtained [by pledging] to engage in either virtue or nonvirtue for a certain chosen duration. For example, by thinking: �For one month, I will pay homage to the Buddha before taking my meal,� one obtains a virtuous vow for the duration of one month. Or, by deciding, �For one month, I will engage in sexual misconduct,� you obtain the unvirtuous [vow]. [RY]

the middle vow [IW]