dkar nag mtshams

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the three white ones [IW]

the three white ones [the three lay masters of the sakya tradition: 1) sa chen kun dga' snying pa (1092-1158) kunga nyingpo 2) bsod nas pha rtsi mo bsod nams rtze mo, (1142-1182) 3) je btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan among the sa skya gong ma lnga, grags pa rgyal mtsan gsum ste de dag gis except for the dge bsnyen vow not taking monk's vows. name because they wear white] [IW]

the Three White Ones the three lay masters of the Sakya tradition: 1) sa chen kun dga' snying pa. (1092-1158). Kunga Nyingpo. 2) bsod nas pha rtsi mo. S�nam Tsemo. (1142-1182) 3) je btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan. Drakpa Gyaltsen among the sa skya gong ma lnga [RY]