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don dam pa
Comment: An equivalent of ultimate truth (don dam bden pa, paramArthasatya) so called because it is the object of the activity of Superiors' exalted wisdom of meditative equipoise; "highest" (dam pa, parama) is taken as the exalted wisdom of uncontaminated meditative equipoise, and "object" (don, artha) is taken as the thusness, or emptiness, that is the object of that exalted wisdom, whereby thusness is called the truth that is the object of the highest [wisdom] (dam pa'i don, paramasya artha-satya). In another interpretation, that wisdom itself is called the highest object (don dam pa, parama-artha), since it is both highest and object; emptiness is called the truth of the highest object (don dam pa'i bden pa, parama-arthasya satya).

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