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med dgag
one of the two divisions of negation (dgag pa); the other is: affirming negative (ma yin dgag, paryudAsa-pratiSedha)Comment: The division of negatives, or negations, into affirming and non-affirming, or implicative and non-implicative, is traced to MimAMsA injunctions to refrain from activities that either imply another activity in its place or not. For example, the non-existence of the horns of a rabbit is expressed by the sentence, "The horns of a rabbit do not exist," and this does not suggest anything positive in place of the horns of a rabbit. Though it can suggest another non-affirming negative such as the non-existence of the beauty of the horns of a rabbit, it does not suggest any positive phenomenon in place of its object of negation. In the same way, an emptiness is a non-affirming negative such that the term expressing it does not suggest in place of the negation of its own object of negation another, positive phenomenon. See also "affirming negation" (ma yin dgag).

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