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rnam rig
Comment: The second chapter of AsaGga's Summary of the Great Vehicle, entitled "The Character of Objects of Knowledge," lists fifteen "cognitions," which are categories of phenomena. They are: 1. Cognitions of the body: the five sense powers, 2. Cognitions of the embodied: the afflicted mentality, 3. Cognitions of the enjoyer: the mind constituent, that is, the mental consciousness, 4. Cognitions of what is used by those: the six objects, 5. Cognitions of what uses those: the six consciousnesses, 6. Cognitions of time: the continuity of cyclic existence, 7. Cognitions of enumeration: numbering, 8. Cognitions of location: the world of the environment, 9. Cognitions of conventions: the four conventions — the seen (drSTa), the heard (zruta), the known (vijJAta), and the understood (mata), 10. & 11. Cognitions of the specifics of self and others: perceptions of self and other, 12. Cognitions of good transmigrations: humans and gods, 13. Cognitions of bad transmigrations: animals, hungry ghosts, and hell-beings, 14. Cognitions of death, 15. Cognitions of birth. The first nine arise from latent predispositions of verbalization (mngon brjod kyi bag chags) also called predispositions of verbal repetition (zlos pa'i bag chags). The tenth and the eleventh arise from latent predispositions of the view of self, also called predispositions of the view of the transitory collection ('jig tshogs la lta ba'i bag chags). The twelfth through the fifteenth arise from latent predispositions of the causal branches of existence, also called predispositions of maturation (rnam smin gyi bag chags).

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