blo sbug 'thums pa

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mind training for the 8 sessions [IW]

mind training for the 8 sessions [of day and night oral instructions of the kadampa geshes. mind training depending on food 1) [[zas la brten pa'i blo sbyong dang, 2) breath dbugs la, 3) emanations as many as the sands of the river Ganges lus gangg'a'i bye ma snyed du sprul pa la, 4) flesh and blood sha khrag la, 5) torma gtor ma la, 6) elements 'byung ba la brten pa'i blo sbyong, 7)the mind training of emanatng body as a wish-fulfillng gem lus yid bzhin gyi nor bur sprul te blo sbyong ba, 8) maind traiing with the oral instructions on death as object 'chi ba man ngag blo sbyong bcas dmigs] [IW]