'byung ldog phrugs gnyis
also graha, gdon; mi ma yin - Spirits, bhuta, malignant beings of the preta class, ghosts etc [RY]
elemental spirits lha 'dre thams cad 'dar zhing 'byung po 'dul ba - makes all gods and demons tremble, and subjugates the elemental spirits [RY]
a class of beings mainly included in the preta realm, ghost, evil spirits, a spirit, creature, harmful spirits, any being, even a plant. bhuta, [class of beings mainly included in the preta realm]; a demon; evil forces; sky-traveling preta-demon [RY]
Elemental forces [RY]
[harmful] spirit, evil forces, 1) living beings with form established from the four elements 2) <bh'uta:> harmful formless geks and d"ns [class of beings mainly included in the preta realm, ghost, evil spirits, a spirit, creature, harmful spirits, any being, even a plant bhuta, evil forces] [IW]
spirits [RY]
[harmful] spirit, evil forces [R] [IW]
exposition, elements, beings, creature, demon, evil spirit, 1 of 12 kinds of yi dwags, type of lha, name of a class of spirits that corresponds to the Bhuta of the Indian tradition [JV]