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[['dod khams 'dir 'jig lta dang mthar lta de gnyis dang lhan cig pa'i ma rig pa ni, bsgrib la lung ma bstan yin zhing, de gsum las gzhan pa'i rtsa ba'i nyon mongs pa dang nye nyon rnams nyes spyod kun nas slong ba'i phyir thams cad ngo bo nyid kyis mi dge ba'o]] In the desire realms, the belief in the transitory [collection], the belief that [upholds] extremes and the ignorance co-existing with these two is 'obscuring and indeterminate'. All other root-disturbing emotions and subsidiary disturbing emotions, apart from the three above, motivate negative deeds and are, therefore, 'intrinsic nonvirtues'.


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