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1) [about thoughts] to be discursive, distracted, making projection, occur, generate, move, diffused, [Syn. 'gyu ba, 'char ba, to wander, to think. 2) [about light etc] to be emanated, sent out, forth, radiated, streaming forth. 3) break, gap, interruption, a moment. 4) remnant, residual, extra, residue. 5) [Syn. khyab pa penetrating, all-pervasive, all-pervading. 6) to wander. 7) divergent practices, emanate, break, discursive, movement of thought, making projections, discursive, emanate, see also 'phros past tense of. remnant, residual, extra, residue; in the process of; flow. occurrence, discursive


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