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- Ten Kinds of Vital Energy. These are the five basic energies rtsa ba rlung lnga of breath srog 'dzin or prana. secretion / reproduction thur sel or apana. speech rgyen rgyu or udana. digestion mnyam rgyu or samana. and metabolism / circulation / muscular movement khyab byed or vyapin. Then the five ancillary energies yan lag gi rlung lnga are those of the nagas klu'i rlung or naga. connecting with the eyes, of the tortoise ru sbal gi rlung or kurma. connecting with the heart, of Brahma tshang pa'i rlung or brahma / k.rkila. connecting with the nose, of Devadatta lha sbyin gi rlung or devadatta. connecting with the tongue and of the King of Wealth nor lha rgyal gi rlung or dhanan~jaya. connecting with the whole body.
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