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'og min
Akanishtha, the highest plane of existence; Akanishtha. Syn lcang lo can Akanishtha, the Unexcelled, Highest [realm]. highest pure land, buddhafield of Akanishtha; pinnacle pure realm; pure realm of Akanishtha/ Pinnacle Under Nothing. Syn lcang lo can Akanishtha, Highest Pure Land, the Unsurpassable Buddhafield, "Below None" [a deities' level], the Unexcelled, Highest [realm] 1) the fifth of the gnas gtsang ma lnga in the realm of form. 2) the place of enlightenment, 3) pure land of Vairochana, 4) unsurpassable. one of the 28 classes of gods in the gzugs kyi khams form realm of the gnas gtsang ma'i pure reaches. In Nyingma terminology is used to indicate an "invaluable" inner experience. See Longchenpa's dpal gsang ba snying po de kho na nyid nges pa'i rgyud kyi 'grel pa the place of sangs rgya ba, the pure land of rnam par snang mdzad the fifth of the gnas gtsang ma lnga

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