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realm of Bhrama [bsam gtan dang po'i gnas ris kyi 'og ma ste, sdig pas tshangs shing tshangs gnas bzhi la gnas pa dang, tshangs pa chen po'i 'khor dang sde ris skyes pa'i gnas the Brahma abodes, bsam gtan dang po'i gnas. 'Of brahma's group' or class of the gods, brahma kayika, brahma kayika] [IW]
first mansion of first dhyani heaven, 1 of gzugs khams gnas rigs bcu bdun, group of the pure heaven [JV]
realm of Bhrama [IW]
the Brahma abodes, bsam gtan dang po'i gnas. 'Of Brahma's group' or class of the gods, Brahma- kayika, Brahma- kayika [RY]
the Abode of Brahma [RY]