tshad dpag

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genuine, [IW]

valid cognition; authentic (standard)/ standard of authenticity [RB]

1) true, non-deceptive; 2) pramana; 2) logic, science of valid cognition [IW]

1) true, non-deceptive [smras pa tshar mar bzungs ba]; 2) pramana [rang yul la mi bslu ba'i shes pa pa ste rang yul gsar du rtogs pa'i blo mngon sum yang dag dang, rjes dpag yang dag rnams so]; 2) logic, science of valid cognition [rig gnas che ba lnga'i ya gyal, tshad ma rig pa'o authenticity, validity, proof, pramana, logic, ideal, dialectics, epistemology, valid [cognition/ understanding], proof [of knowledge]. three kinds. direct perception mngon sum. inference, indirect rjes su dpag pa. trustworthy scripture or testimony yid ches pa'i lung. the study of pramana [in a monastic college]. authentic, genuine, convincing. right cognition/ understanding [free from illusion]. valid source of knowledge, true knowledge, reasoning, 'thad pa, rigs pa. there are three pramanas, direct perception, inference and scripture. Someimtes the following three pramanas are discussed, direct mngon gyur, hidden lkog gyur. and very hidden shin tu lkog gyur. the shin tu lkog gyur. pramana in the buddhist sense has to be known through the Buddha's teaching., since ulktinmately valid cognition comes down to the buddhas' perception of things as they are [tse] [IW]

logic, (valid means of, genuine, correct) cognition, valid, epistemology, dialectics, logical basis, valid means of knowing, (prime, valid) cognizer, normal perception that is either direct or indirect, measure, rule, model, argument, proof, logical work, authority [JV]

reasoning, 'thad pa, rigs pa [RY]

true, proven, genuine; ideal, validity, valid cognition; authentic (standard)/ standard of authenticity; valid cognizer [when related to cognition]; validating; authenticity, validity, proof, pramana, logic, ideal, dialectics, epistemology, valid [cognition / understanding], proof [of knowledge]. three kinds. direct perception mngon sum inference, indirect rjes su dpag pa trustworthy scripture or testimony yid ches pa'i lung the study of pramana [in a monastic college]. authentic, genuine, convincing. right cognition / understanding [free from illusion]. valid source of knowledge, true knowledge, reasoning, 'thad pa, rigs pa There are three pramanas, direct perception, inference and scripture. Sometimes the following three pramanas are discussed, direct mngon gyur, hidden lkog gyur and very hidden shin tu lkog gyur The shin tu lkog gyur pramana has to be known through the Buddha's teaching. reasoning, 'thad pa, rigs pa [RY]

valid cognition, validity, [thd]

genuine [RY]