yang tig snying po

From Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionary
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Vishuddha; 1) perfectly, in the right way, excellently. 2) real, actual, correct, true, perfect, right, proper, the very, really, verily, in reality, indeed, absolutely, truly, truth, completely, thoroughly, free, very, full, close, well [RY]

right, positive, genuine, actual, real, the very, indeed, authentic, sublime, vajraheruka, completely, pure like space [JV]

1) in the right way, perfectly, excellently; 2) real, actual, [the] very, really, verily, in reality, indeed, absolutely, truly, thoroughly, free, perfect, full, close, well, correct, proper, completely, accurate[ly] [IW]

Vishuddha. The heruka of the vajra family or the tantric teachings connected to that wrathful deity. One of the Eight Sadhana Teachings of the Nyingma School. The wrathful deity of vajra mind [RY]

authentic; correct [RB]