srid pa pa
intermediate state between life and rebirth [[bar [do'i] srid [pa]]] [IW]
intermediate existence. Mipham: [[srid pa bar ma zhes pa gang zhe na, sems can rnams shi nas gzugs med du skye ba rnams ma gtogs par gang du skye yang srid pa snga ma 'gag la phyi mar dngos su ma skyes pa'i bar der yid las byung ba dbang po kun tshang gi lus, ri brag sogs la thogs pa med pa, las kyi rdzu 'phrul dang bcas pa, dri za ba'i rigs can ste]], What does 'intermediate existence' mean? For all sentient beings, except those who have been reborn in the formless realms, it is the period after dying which lasts, regardless of where one will be reborn, from the ceasing of the previous existence until the actual rebirth in the next life. In this state, the sentient being possesses a mentally created body endowed with all the sense faculties. He is unhindered by objects, such as mountains and rocks, and experiences magical karmic displays. Such beings belong to the class of 'scent-eaters'. [RY]
the intermediate existence. Syn bar do'i srid pa; intermediate state between that and rebirth [RY]