nas zan
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1) barley dough; 2) small bird mchil pa [IW]
(med) Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Passer montanus (Czaja 2019, Yeshi 2017). Synonyms : bod mchil, khri sde stong dbon (Jam-dpal)
nas zan ni / bod mchil / khri sde stong dbon zer / khyim du gnas te mgo ma gtogs pa mchil ba 'dra ba'o / ston dus zhing mur sib sib bsags nas lo 'bru za ba'o // rgyud las / mchil ba nas zan rtsangs pas khu ba skyed // ces so // (mDzes mtshar mig rgyan, pdf p 256)
Illustrations : 'Phrin Las 1987 (30_054) nas zan sha (33_145) nas zan gyi brun. Jam-dpal (pdf p 256) nas zan
nas zan, mchil ba and byi'u are basically synonymous.
Johannes Schmidt (talk) 05:07, 18 February 2024 (EST)