bra bo

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1) buck-wheat; 2) dark brown [IW]

buckwheat of white and black species [JV]

sour buckwheat [RY]

buck-wheat [RY]

buckwheat [sour] [RY]

(med) Buckwheat. Synonyms : rgya bra 'khrul ('Phrin Las 1987), bra rgod (Wangyal 2020) khra ma (Molvray 1988 G)
bra bo ni / sdong po snya lo 'dra la dmar po tshigs mang ba / lo ma ljang skya me tog dkar chung rgyas nas mgo kun dkar por byed pa / 'bru nag zur gsum pa phye ma bag phye lta bu ste rigs dman pa dang nad kun la gnod pa yin / rgyud las / bro bo bsil yang rma 'jig nyes gsum skyed / ces so // (mDzes mtshar mig rgyan, pdf p 240)

Illustrations : 'Phrin Las 1987 (23_005) nus pa'i dbang gi khra ma lugs gcig rgya bra 'khrul zhed (23_017) bra bo. 'Jam-dpal (240, 438) bra bo

1. Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. (Polygonaceae) (Wangyal 2020; Molvray 1988 D), reported name rgya bra
2. Fagopyrum cymosum (Trevir.) Meisn. (Polygonaceae) (Wangyal 2020), reported name bra rgod
3. Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn. (Polygonaceae) (Kletter 2001; Drungtso 1999)
Johannes Schmidt (talk) 03:08, 5 March 2024 (EST)