lcam pa

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1) upright, erect, gentle, polished; 2) ldum bu'i sman [IW]

officinal herb used for healing wounds, gentle, polished [JV]

(med) Mallows
lcam pas chu 'gags sko ma dad 'khrub sel / zhes par / ro skor las / lcam pa'i 'bras bu bsil la rno / ljon shing las / lcam pas mkhal ma'i nus pa skyed / chu srid 'gags sel rma rnams skam / dang / rang byung rdo rjes / nyi dga' dod ldan chu 'gags sel / zhes pa la rigs gsum ste / pho mo ma ning ngo / pho lcam ni / ming mdog ldan zer la / 'khrungs dper / me tog ha lo zhes bya ba / dkar smug lo ma nyi dga' 'dra / zhes me tog ldum rar skye ba rkang ring la lo ma me tog che ba la me tog dkar po 'char ba dang / rgya dmar smug kha 'char ba gnyis so / me tog gis sa bon 'dzag ba gcod / rtsa bas zad byed dang yi ga 'chus par phan no / mo lcam ni / rgya lcam pa ste / 'di ldum rar skye la dbyibs snga ma ltar las lo [264] sdong sogs chung ba yin / 'dir yang me tog rgya dkar can dang / rgya smug skam nas sngon por 'gro ba gnyis / ma ning bod lcam pa ste / ming su'ryananda / nyi dga' / ardzha ka / su'rya bagti / nyi mar gus pa / arka / sauwarna / bha ha mi / bra se / sa rang yo / lhab ma'i 'bras bu / ldum bu a phyag / spu ldang padma / sngon po chu khrid / lcam mo / lha mo rnams zer / 'khrungs dper / ardzha ka zhes bya ba ni / sa khad dma' ba'i yul du skye / lo ma lcam pa kun dang 'dra / me tog nyi dga' rgya tshos kha / nyi ma gar gnas der dga' lta / 'bras bu ardzha ka zhes bya / rtsa ba sdong por bcas pa la / lcam pa zhes bya ro mngar bska / rang gi nus pas chu 'gags 'byin / rma rnag skems la kha mi skom / zhes zhing mu sa nyob lud shul dag tu skye zhing snga ma rnams las lo sdong chung la thung ba me tog rgya dkar can no / lcam pa thams cad myangs na bsngul la kha 'dam pa'i 'byar bag can te / 'bras bu thams cad 'dra bar 'bras zhib star re kha phreng skor du mtheb skor ltar 'grigs pa'o // (Shel gong shel phreng, pdf p 263.4)

Illustrations : Dawa 1999. 'Phrin Las 1987 (24_007) lcam pa'i tshod ma (29_035) lcam pa rigs gsum las pho lcam dkar dmar gnyis ha lo / de la mchog dman 'dis mtshon (29_036) mo lcam rgya dkar gnyis (29_037) ma ning nyi dga'. 'Jam-dpal (print p 141) pho lcam, 'bru, rgya, mo lcam, ma ning lcam

pho lcam
Synonyms : mdog ldan, me tog ha lo (Shel gong)
1. Alcea rosea L. (Malvaceae) Hollyhock (Wangyal 2020). Reported name pho lcam. Synonyms : mdog ljan pho lcam, mdog ldan, me tog ha lo (Dawa 2009), at pa la (Molvray 1988), bod lcam ('Jam-dpal)
2. Malva sylvestris L.(Malvaceae) Common mallow (Boesi 2014 Four Tantras). Synonym : nyi dga' (Wangchuk 2008 Bhutan)
mo lcam
Synonyms : rgya lcam pa (Shel gong)
1. Malva cavanillesiana Raizada (Malvaceae) Mallow (Wangyal 2020). Reported name mo lcam. Synonyms : rgya lcam ('Jam-dpal)
ma ning lcam
Synonyms : Synonyms : su'ryananda, nyi dga', ardzha ka, su'rya bagti, nyi mar gus pa, arka, sauwarna, bha ha mi, bra se, sa rang yo, lhab ma'i 'bras bu, ldum bu a phyag, spu ldang padma, sngon po chu khrid, lcam mo, lha mo (Shel gong), nyi dga', a rdzi ka, mon lcam, chu sman ('Jam-dpal)
1. Malva verticillata L. (Malvaceae) Chinese mallow (Wangyal 2020).

arjhaka grows in lower regions with leaves similar to those of other lcam pa (Malva sp.). lt has sweet and astringent taste. The bright purplish red flower is called nyi dga' which faces toward the sun. The fruit is called arjhaka and the root and stem is called lcam pa.' SHEL-PHRENG describes lcam pa as, 'it usually grows in soil heap and manure remains at crop field edges. The one described above is the pho (male) lcam pa which has leaves smaller and stems shorter than the mo (female) lcam pa. lt has light violet flowers. All the lcam pas are sweet, astringent and sticky when tasted. Their fruits are similar with each fruitlet shaped like an axe tightly packed side by side forming a mtheb-skor (ivory ring worn on thumbs) like structure.' (Dawa 1999)
Johannes Schmidt (talk) 13:05, 22 March 2024 (EDT)