tsher sngon

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aa byag tsher sngon [IW]

meconopsis horridula hook. f. et thoms. var. racemosa (maxim.) prain [JV]

(med) Prickly blue poppies
Synonyms : sngon po dar ya kan, chu 'byin rgyal mo, sngon po bed skyed, zug rngu 'dren byed, tsher ma dar btum, mda' gzhu can, a tsa ra'i rlig 'bras (Shel gong), gzer 'joms (Molvray 1988), kri ki (Lama 2001 Dolpo), a byag tsher sngon (Drungtso 1999, Lama 2001)

tsher sngon rus chag gso zhing lha ba 'degs / zhes par / rang byung rdo rjes / a byag tsher sngon mgo la phan / zhes par / ming / sngon po dar ya kan / chu 'byin rgyal mo / sngon po bed skyed / zug rngu 'dren byed / tsher ma dar btum / mda' gzhu can / a tsa ra'i rlig 'bras zer / 'khrungs dper / a byag tsher sngon sngo yi rigs / lo ma sdong po tsher ma can / me tog sngon po ro ni kha / rang gi nus pas rus tshad sel / mgo chag rma yi dar ya kan / zhes pas / lo ma (sdang?) po me tog gi gos dang gang bu rnams tsher ma'i rang bzhin las skye tshul sdong po utpal ser po / me tog utpal sngon po 'dra la khyad par 'di 'i me tog sngo bsangs yin / utpal me tog sngo yang dmar mdangs yod la snum / 'dis me tog brlam pa'i khyad par ro / 'di la rigs gsum 'on yang don nus pa sogs mtshungs tshul ni / sdong po khong stong sbom pa la yal ga mang ba gong bshad 'di dang gcig / lo ma snga ma las che zhing sdong po smug po zwa shing 'dra ba smug po la shing gi yal ga ltar gyes pa las me tog 'char ba dang gnyis / rtsa ba gcig la sdong bu so sor gyes pa las spyi sdong che ba med pa rgya men ltar skyes pa dang gsum mo / kun kyang tsher ma'i rang bzhin can no // (Shel gong shel phreng, pdf p 314.2)
a byag tsher sngon ni / [???] mi 'dra ba gsum 'dug / ri mtho sar skye ba sdong khong stong yal ga mang ba'i lo ma ljang chung ral gri 'dra la lo rkang me tog gi gang bu rnams tsher mas khyab cing skye tshul utpal lta bu / me tog sngon po ze'u 'bru ser po rgya men 'dra ba ro kha ba ste / shel phreng las / me tog utpal 'dra la khyad par de'i me tog sngo bsangs yin / zhes pa gcig dang / yang phu lag ri thang mtsham su skye ba lo ma snga ma las che skya me tog gi rkang smug po zwa rkang 'dra ba'i ldebs nas lo ma dang tho bu'i rkang / shing mgal ltar skye ba dang gnyis / yang the'u'i rkang rgya men 'dra ba gcig las yal ga so sor gyes pas chig skes tsher can me tog gong 'dra la sngo ska dang gsum mo / des rus chag lha ba 'degs // (mDzes mtshar mig rgyan, print p 175)

Illustrations : 'Dawa 1999, 2009. 'Phrin Las 1987 (28_039) tsher sngon rigs gnyis (28_40) nye skor dogs de. 'Jam-dpal (print p 175) a byag tsher sngon

1. Meconopsis horridula Hook.f. & Thomson (Papaveraceae) Prickly blue poppy (Wangyal 2020)
2. Meconopsis racemosa Maxim. (Papaveraceae) Prickly blue poppy (Wangyal 2020). Reported name tsher sngon rgod pa.
3. Meconopsis speciosa subsp. cawdoriana (Kingdon-Ward) Grey-Wilson (Papaveraceae) Prickly blue poppy (Wangyal 2020). Reported name tsher dar ya kan.
4. Meconopsis aculeata Royle (Papaveraceae) Prickly blue poppy (Dawa 2009)
5. Echinops davuricus Fisch. ex Hornem. (Asteraceae) Globe thistle (Molvray 1988 G). Reported name a byag tsher sngon. Cited from a northern source.

tsher sngon, from a byag tsher sngon, is discribed as having thorns on stems, leaves, sepals and capsules. It habitat resembles utpal ser po, the flowers those of utpal sngon po. Of the 3 types, the first has broad, hollow and multi-branched stem. The second has broader leaves than the previous with a brown coloured stem like a nettle plant. The third is similar to a poppy plant. All 3 types are considered equal in their medicinal use. There are other similar blue poppies, but of restricted distribution and uncertain taxonomy (Kletter 2001).
'tsher-sngon is a kind of herb with stem and leaf covered with ferocious spines. It bears blue flowers and has a bitter taste. It cures poisoning and is dar ya kan (name derived from Shang-shung language, referring to its nectar like specific efficacy on diseases) for cranial fracture.' (Dawa 1999)
Johannes Schmidt (talk) 09:32, 31 March 2024 (EDT)