gser gyi me tog

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flower of gold, golden flower, magnolia champaka, golden flowers [JV]

Hermerocallis minor [RY]

(med) Cucumbers
Synonyms : so na pushpa, gser me, gsor mgo, gzang mchu (Shel gong)

gser gyi me tog snod tshad mkhris tshad sel / zhes par / rtsis nyi zla'i 'khor lor / gser gyi me tog bsil la rno bas mkhris pa snod lhung sel / dang / [324] rang byung pas / gser gyi me tog mkhris pa'i sman / zhes so / ming / so na pushpa / gser me / gsor mgo / gzang mchu zer / 'khrungs dper / gser gyi me tog ces bya ba / sdong po phra ring lo ma che / me tog ser po 'od du 'bar / 'bras bu shing bzo'i gsor dang 'dra / gzhan la 'khri shing skye ba yin / zhes par ldum rar skye ba yin / 'jus dang 'jang sogs su ma btab par 'thong ba la brten nas gar yang skye / yul der gshin thag me tog zer / rgya gar nas 'bras bu zheng sor gang drag tsam la sna sor dor nye ba tsam 'bub ba bzang ngo // (Shel gong shel phreng, pdf p 323.6)
gser gyi me tog ni / pa to lar 'dzin pa nor ba ste / dngos rtswa shing sogs su 'khril nas skye / sdong po phra ril lo che me tog ser can gyi 'bru'o / de'i shun pags te gang bu dmar ser gyis gzhang 'brum la phan pa dang / de'i 'bru leb smug ser ka bed 'bru tsam bod sogs las 'byung zhing rgya gar nas 'bras bu zheng sor gang tsam ring sor dor tsam 'byung ba bzang por bshad / rgya nag du las gwa zhes pa dngos ma yin kyang / rgyud gzhang 'brum skabs su gser gyi me tog gi shun pa zhes byung bas de'i shun pa yang rnam pa'i gnyen por mthun pa ste / rgod g.yung gi khyad par ram rigs kyi bye brag tu nges so // rtsi nyi zla'i 'khor lo las / gser gyi me tog bsil la rno bas mkhris pa snod lhung sel / zhes pas snod tshad mkhris tshad sel // (mDzes mtshar mig rgyan, print p 183)

Illustrations : Dawa 1999. 'Phrin Las 1987 (26_062) gser gyi me tog cha mthun bod du yod (34_008) gser gyi me tog (34_026) gser gyi me tog. 'Jam-dpal (print p 183) gser gyi me tog rgod, chung ba, g.yung, che ba, shun pa'am [gd?]

1. Herpetospermum pedunculosum (Ser.) C.B.Clarke (Cucurbitaceae) Cucumber (Wangyal 2020)
2. Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.) Spreng. (Cucurbitaceae) Chinese cucumber, Gac (Wangyal 2020). Synonyms : gser me che ba (Wangyal 2020)
3. Hemerocallis minor Mill. (Asphodelaceae) Hemerocallis (Bolsokhoyeva 2007). Northern substitute in the Buryat tradition (Bolsokhoyeva 2007)

The title indicates 'flower', but in the Shel gong as well as the Eye Ornament it is the first entry in the fruit part of the Medicinal herb section. Johannes Schmidt (talk) 15:20, 3 April 2024 (EDT)