rta rmig

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horse's hoof, plant whose leaves resemble a horse's hoof, solanum melongena, hoof of horse [JV]

hoof [of horse] [RY]

1) hoof [of horse]; 2) [[rta rmig med. herb [dbyibs rta'i rmig pa dang 'dra ba zhig ste, ro kha, zhu rjes bsil, nus pas rma gso, rtsa'i sgo 'gegs] [IW]

Tamik, a unit of silver cast in the shape of a horse-hoof [RY]

1) hoof [of horse]; 2) [[rta rmig med. herb [IW]

(med) Violets. Marsh marigolds
Synonyms : rta rmig, rte'u rmig, gza' dug khra bo, ti mus pa, sre mong me tog (Shel gong), rta mig dkar po (Dawa 2009, me tog ser chen (Lama 2001 Dolpo)

rta rmig rma gso rus sbyor rtsa [338] sgo 'gegs / zhes par / rang byung pas / rta rmig mgo yi nad la phan / gsungs / ming / rta rmig / rte'u rmig / gza' dug khra bo / ti mus pa / sre mong me tog zer / 'khrungs dper / rta mig brag gi rtsa bar skye / lo ma nyi dg'i lo ma 'dra / me tog rta yi rmig pa 'dran / sa las ma 'phags gcig skyes kyis / rtsa yi sgo rnams 'gegs par byed / ces dang / gza' bcod mchan rnying du / lo ma shang dril 'dra ba la sbu can me tog ser po rte'u'i rmig pa 'dra / gang bu rdo rje 'dra / brag lcam dang ma nor zhig zer ba 'dug go // (Shel gong shel phreng, pdf p 337.6)
rta rmig ni / gza' dug khra ba / ti mu sa pa zer brag gi rtsa bar skye ba / sdong po yal ga med pa'i lo ma lcam lo 'dra yang / chig skyes sa las ma 'phags // rkang bud tsam nas me tog ser po rta mig 'dra dang / gang bu rdo rje 'dra ba ste / brag lcam dang ma nor zhig // des rtsa sgo 'gegs // (mDzes mtshar mig rgyan, print p 194)

Illustrations : Dawa 2009. 'Phrin Las (29_039) rta mig. 'Jam-dpal (pdf p 219) rta mig

1. Viola kunawarensis Royle (Violaceae) Kinnaur violet (Wangyal 2020). Reported name ga pa ger skyes.
2. Viola biflora L. (Violaceae) Alpine yellow-violet, Twoflower violet (Dawa 2009; Wangyal 2020; 'Phrin Las 1987; Lama 2001). Reported name rta rmig (rigs dang po).
3. Caltha alba Canbess. (Ranunculaceae) Marsh marigolds (Dawa 2009). Reported name rta rmig (rigs gnyis pa).
4. Caltha scaposa Hook.f. & Thomson (Ranunculaceae) Marsh marigolds (Dawa 2009). Reported name rta rmig (rigs gsum pa). Synonyms : ser chung me tog (Boesi 2005 Litang), rta rmig dkar po (Dawa 2009)
5. Viola patrinii Ging. (Violaceae) China violet (Molvray 1988 H). Reported name tig ta. Cited from northern sources, it might well be a northern substitute for tig ta.
6. Epimedium grandiflorum C.Morren (Berberidaceae) Large flowered barrenwort (Molvray 1988 H). Cited from northern sources.
Johannes Schmidt (talk) 15:47, 5 April 2024 (EDT)