thang shing

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pine [RY]

kind of tree [syn: bcud 'dzin, ljon pa ser po, thang chu shing, gsom shing [IW]

conifer tree [= bcud 'dzin, ljon pa ser po, thang chu shing, gsom shing] [IW]

pine [wood] [IW]

pine, deodar, deodara tree, fir, pine tree, pine tree, fir tree [JV]

(med) Spruce, fir
Synonyms : gsom, nags ma ('Jam-dpal)

som thang shing ni / gsom / nags ma zer / phal cher srib la skye zhing sdong po che la drang po yal ga sdebs mtshams su skye ba / lo ma nag dam can sib pa dgu tsam yod pa ste / tshib 'bo lo 'am thang khrags nags ma'i thang chu zhes pas 'khru gcod cing / bai sngon las / de'i thal pas reg dug la phan / zhes gsungs so // (mDzes mtshar mig rgyan, print p 114)

Illustrations : 'Jam-dpal (print p 114)

1. Picea brachytyla (Franch.) E.Pritz. (Pinaceae) Sargent's spruce (Wangyal 2020)
2. Abies spectabilis (D.Don) Mirb. (Pinaceae) East himalayan fir (Molvray 1988 Dh)
3. Abies delavayi Franch. (Pinaceae) Fir species (Sabernig). Reported name som thang shing.
4. Cedrus deodara (Roxb. ex G.Don) G.Don (Pinaceae) Himalayan cedar, Deodar (Molvray 1988 Dh,T). Sanskrit : deva dāru (Dash 1989, Pandanus).
5. Larix sibirica Ledeb. (Pinaceae) Siberian larch (Molvray 1988 G). Cited from northern sources.

thang shing is identified with Abies, Picea and Cedrus species, whereas sgron me shing indicates more particularly pine trees, Pinus.
Johannes Schmidt (talk) 18:04, 18 March 2024 (EDT)