rdo sol

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1) coal; 2) chu tshan 'khol byed kyi rdo [IW]

1) coal; 2) chu tshan 'khol byed kyi rdo [ro bska la tsa, zhu rjes drod, nus pas rdo sman gyi rigs 'ju, khrag shor gcod pa sogs rtsa kha sdom. [IW]

coal, mineral, coal [JV]

coal [RY]

(med) Coal (Yeshi 2018)
rdo sol rdo rnams 'ju zhing rtsa kha sdom / zhes par / rang byung zhabs kyi / rdo sol dbyig gi dug la phan / gsungs pa / rdo kha dog ma nges pa las khyad par nag shas che ba 'byung zhing / me la bsregs na mer 'bar la / ma bsregs par rang bzhin grang mo chur bcug na yun tsam song nas / [130] rim pas chu dros shing rlangs pa 'byung ba dang / tsha tsam dang khol ba sogs stobs mthun 'byung ba dang / yang na chu thigs tsam bran na seg sgra dang rlangs pa 'thul ba'o / don la chu tshan khol byed kyi rdo de yin / 'di la 'grel pa kha cig tu rtsa rgyud chu tshan skabs / rdo zho rdo thal byed rgyu'i rdo rigs lnga phye rgyu'i rdo yin / zhes dang / bshad rgyud nus pa rkang sel skabs / nag po me 'bar yin zhes gsung gnyis mdzad / snga ma rgyu mtshan bcas gsungs kyang mi 'grub ste / rdo de bsregs nas grang yang chu dang 'phrad tshe khol bar bsams nas chu tshan khol byed du rlom kyang / chu tshan gting pa'i rdo sreg mkhan med la rdo de ma bsregs ba bskal par chur bcug kyang dros tsam mi nus pas / bod khams kyi brag dkar thams cad dang / de'i lung pa'i rdo gram thams cad rdo zhun gyi rdo 'di kho na yin yang / char bab pa dang chu bo sogs gang dang phrad kyang mi khol bar ma zad rdza chab bsil ba'i rang bzhin no / tshos par bsregs nas lo zla zhag du grang yang yang chur bcug tshe khol yang / de rdo thal du zhig nas zho ltar song nas mi khol ba'o / chu tshan khol byed ni bskal par yang mi "ju mi 'jig mi grang la / nam grang na chu de med cing chu dang nam bral ba'i tshe grang ngo / slar rlan nam phog kyang snga ma ltar khol te / pha dam pa'i las brgya pa las / rdo sol ri la char gyi rgyun babs na / de nyid me yi sa gzhi lta bur 'gyur / zhes gsungs / rdo zhun du 'dod pas / lho phyogs rta gdong gi me'i rgyu'i rdo sol de la mtha' ma lcags ri nag pos bskor bar bshad pa la / dgag pa bsal phyir mi 'gal te / rdo rigs sngo nag char sprin mdog can de yin smra yang / char sprin mdog kyang ma bsregs par chu mi khol tshul gong du bshad pas rdo rigs lnga la khyad [131] par med do / bsregs pa grang mos khol ba tsam la 'dzin na cong zhi dang / dung dang 'gron bu sogs kyang 'dra'o / de ltar gnad shes par byas nas rdo sol ngom ma rnyed kyang chu tshan 'ga' zhig gi khar rdo sol gyi nus rtsad las byung ba'i rdo skya sob grang mor mchil ma sogs blugs pas seg sgra dang rlangs pa 'byung tsam pa des rung bar bshad do // (Shel gong shel phreng, pdf p 129.5)

Illustrations : 'Phrin Las (25_113) rdo sol

(med) Carbon (Yeshi 2018)
sol rdos rma 'drub chu ser skem par byed / zhes pa / gseg g.yam sngon po'i khrod sogs su 'byung ba'i rdo nag po 'od can shing sol 'dra la bcag na nyi ba / me la bsregs na sbu bar khol zhing dud pa 'ong ba / brdar na snag tshe'i tshab rung tsam pa'o / 'di rnying ma'i rdo bskul du / sol rdo nag po gnod sbyin rdo / de la thun gyi rdo ma nyan / zhes pa de'o / 'di rigs sngo nag g.ya' mar shas pa zhig yong ba ni zhig ka nag po ste bzhu kong byed pa'i rgyur legs pa yin // (Shel gong shel phreng, pdf p 131.2)

One distinguishes between coal on the one hand and charcoal (and graphite) on the other. Coal (rdo sol) is a rock rich in organic matter (more than 50%), originating from dead plant matter which decayed into peat and was converted into coal. Charcoal (sol rdo) and graphite are almost pure carbon. Graphite is a iron-black to steel-grey mineral. Charcoal is carbon produced by incomplete burning of trees and vegetation, for example in lava. Or it is produced technically by strongly heating wood, giving a lightweight black carbon residue.
Other carbonized matter are dud pa (soot, smoke), slang dreg or ga bur nag po.
Johannes Schmidt (talk) 16:47, 28 February 2024 (EST)