bye ma

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sand [RY]

a desert; sand, grain, dust, sandy plain [RY]

sand, desert, sandy place, Vimalamitra, SA dri med bshes gnyen, sand hell according to the kalacakra [JV]

sand, grain, dust, sandy plain [IW]

(med) Sand (Yeshi 2018)
Synonyms : bye ma reg gcod, bskal pa'i bye ma, sred gyi bye ma (Yeshi 2018)
Sanskrit : sikatā (

bye ma'i dugs lums mkhal nad tshigs 'gram sel / zhes pa / chu chen 'gram gyi bskal pa bye ma rtsing shos sbar mos mi tshogs tsam sa med par rlung la phyar ba'i bye ma chang du btshod la tsha dugs dang lums byas pas / grang ba'i mkhal nad dang tshigs 'gram par phan pa'o // (Shel gong shel phreng, pdf p 138.5)

Illustrations :'Phrin Las (32_086) bye ma dkyus ma

Sand (Silicon dioxide, SiO2) is most commonly composed of quartz, and when the term sand is used without qualification, a siliceous composition is implied; but the particles may be of any mineral composition or mixture of rock or mineral fragments, such as coral sand consisting of limestone fragments.
Johannes Schmidt (talk) 08:04, 27 February 2024 (EST)