tsha la

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salt mixed with ordinary rock-salt to color it white, salt purifier [JV]

borax [RY]

1) tsha la salt [ro lan tsha, zhu rjes snyoms, nus pas rma 'brub, khrag ngan skem, dmu chu sbyong]; 2) gser dngul zangs sogs kyi tsha la; 3) borax [IW]

1) tsha la salt; 2) solder [gser dngul zangs sogs]; 3) borax [IW]

(med) Borax (Drungtso 1999)
Synonyms : tikshna kha tra, hingu, dar tshur, zangs rtsi, rma sbyor, shel rtsi, rgyug byed, 'ju byed, bzhu rtsi (Shel gong) tshwa la (Yeshi 2018)
Sanskrit : ṭaṅkaṇa (wisdomlib.org)

tsha las rma 'drub khrag 'ju sbyong bar byed / zhes par / rang byung pas / tsha la dkar po drag por sbyong / gsungs / ming / tikshna kha tra / hinggu / dar tshur / zangs rtsi / rma sbyor / shel rtsi / rgyug [382] byed / 'ju byed / bzu rtsi zer / 'di rgya gar dang kha che mnga' ris mtshams sogs nas 'byung / chu las byung ba ste rigs gsum / sa 'og sogs su 'khyag ltar chags pa sngo dkar dangs la 'od zer chags pa bzang / skya hrug byi brun ma 'bring / bul tog 'dra ba'i dkar nyob ni rgyu ngan pa dang / bzang yang rnying nas yal song ba yin pas ngan / gang yang ro mngar ba yin / bsregs tshe 'ju zhing khol la sbu ba dkar por bra bo'i yos ltar 'phel ba bzang / 'ju yang mi 'phel ba 'bring / mi 'ju ba ngan pa'o // (Shel gong shel phreng, pdf p 381.6)

Illustrations : 'Phrin Las (27_013) tsha la mchog (27_014) tsha la dman pa

Natural salt medicine. Borax (Sodium borate [Na2B4O5 (OH)4·8H2O]) can be vitreous, resinous or earthy and is of white, yellowish, seldom bluish or greenish colour. It occurs in deposits, salt lakes, playas, and efflorescences on soils in arid regions. Common associates : calcite, gypsum, halite, trona etc. Several extraction sites in Tibet (mindat.org).
The indian name ṭaṅkaṇa refers to borax and is of two types, pinda (lump) tankana, and the pure white crystal tankana (wisdomlib.org).
Johannes Schmidt (talk) 16:44, 25 February 2024 (EST)