co ka

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bird?, alauda gulgula franklin [JV]

small bird, color skya and sre bo, byi'u mchil pa las cung zad che and making various pleasant sounds, flies directly up and down [IW]

(med) Lark (Alauda gulgula) (Drungtso 1999)
Synonyms : zla 'od, zla can (Jam-dpal)

co ka ni / zla 'od / zla can zer / zhing thang la gnas pa dkar rgya nag thig can / mgo la spu gtsug chung yod cing / mchil ba nas che tsam snga ro nam mkhar 'phur nas skad 'byin pa sgo nga chung skya nag thig can no / shel sgong las / co ka'i sgo ngas rtsa yi pra bsgrub gsal // zhes gsungs so // (mDzes mtshar mig rgyan, print 228)

Illustrations : 'Phrin Las 1987 (33_064) co ka'i sgo nga / klad pa. Jam-dpal (print p 228) co ka

The Oriental skylark is a species of skylark found in the southern, central and eastern Palearctic. Like other skylarks, it is found in open grassland where it feeds on seeds and insects (wikipedia).
Johannes Schmidt (talk) 04:46, 18 February 2024 (EST)