rgya snag

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CH ink [IW]

Chinese ink [RY]

(med) Chinese ink stick. Synonyms : snag tshwa'i rgyu
rgya snag ni / rgya nag du dud pas bzos pa gru bzhi ring po mdog shin tu rno mkhregs 'jig par sla ba dri che ba bzang / bai sngon las / der me tog kun tu bzang po sbyar bar gsungs pa / da lta khe she 'ang zhes pa'i rtswa sngon po dri shin tu che bar phal cher grags pa ni nor ba la / shel phreng las / rgya nag ri bo rtse lnga'i logs su skye ba ni / lo ma ljang skya chel mthug pa / me tog ser po shing ba sha ka'i me tog 'dra ba rdi ma spra ba'i dri ma 'dra ba las lhag par zhim pas sred pa skye ba / zhes pa ltar rgya nag du byin khe ngan [cwa?] zhes pa'i me tog ser po skam po ni ri bo rtse lnga'i byin rlabs cun gyi rdzas su yongs grags pa de ste / de yang yul gzhan gyi me tog nas ri bo rtse lnga'i dri zhim zhing che ba'o / shel sgong las / rgya snag pho tshad med dpal gnyan rigs 'joms / zhes gsungs so // (mDzes mtshar mig rgyan, pdf p 087)

Illustrations : 'Phrin Las (32_026) rgya snag mchog (32_027) dman pa

Processed medicinal earth. Inksticks are basically made of soot and animal glue.
The Shel phreng has 2 distinct notices, rdo sol (coal?) and sol rdo (charcoal?). Further medicinal carbonized matter is reported, like dud pa, slang dreg, rgya snag or ga bur nag po.
Johannes Schmidt (talk) 09:45, 25 February 2024 (EST)