sgyu 'phrul zhi ba - the peaceful deities according to the Magical Net [RY]
mnyen lcug 'khril ldem - graceful, pliant, lithe, and supple [qualities of peaceful deities] [RB]
rdo rje dbyings kyi dkyil 'khor - Vajradhatu Mandala. An important sadhana of Mahayoga containing the 42 peaceful deities [RY]
dbang phyug ma nyer brgyad - Twenty-eight Shvara goddesses. Wrathful emanations of the four female gate keepers among the 42 peaceful deities in the mandala of Magical Net; seven for each of the four activities [RY]
zhi ba - inner peace, be cleared, quiet, tranquil, peaceful, calm, appeased, settle, assuaged, to be wise, dispassionate, rest, calmness, pacified, 1 of 27 coincidences in astrology, SA sbyor ba nyer bdun, sami tree, pacifying, sedate, peaceful deities, nirvana, capital city of srin po'i rgyal po, peaceful, peace, serenity, pacifying, 1 of 4 'phrin las bzhi, ultimate peace, to abate, at peace, subside [JV]
zhi ba rdo rje dbyings kyi dkyil 'khor - Vajradhatu Mandala of Peaceful Deities. An important sadhana of Mahayoga. See also 'Forty-two peaceful deities.' [RY]
zhi ba rdo rje dbyings kyi lha tshogs - Peaceful deities of vajradhatu. The forty-two peaceful deities: Samantabhadra and Samantabhadri, the five male and female buddhas, the eight male and female bodhisattvas, the six munis, and the four male and female gate-keepers [RY]
zhi ba rdo rje dbyings kyi lha tshogs - peaceful deities of vajradhatu, the innumerable peaceful deities of Vajradhatu [RY]
zhi ba rdo rje dbyings kyi lha tshogs - peaceful deities of vajradhatu [IW]
zhi ba bzhi bcu zhe gnyis - Forty-two peaceful deities. Samantabhadra and Samantabhadri, the five male and female buddhas, the eight male and female bodhisattvas, the six munis, and the four male and female gate keepers [RY]
zhi ba bzhi bcu zhe gnyis - forty-two peaceful deities [RY]
zhi ba'i rtsal - the natural wisdom skill of the peaceful deities [RY]
zhi ba'i tshul dgu - the nine modes of peaceful deities / divinities; the nine signs of the wisdom body; pliant, well-toned, delicate, perfectly proportioned, youthful appearance, clear, radiant, attractive, and splendor and blessings [RY]
zhi ba'i tshul lnga - five modes of peacefulness/ peaceful deities [RY]
zhi ba'i rang dangs - the natural self-luminosity of the peaceful deities [RY]
zhi ba'i lha zhe gnyis - 42 peaceful deities [R] [IW]
zhi ba'i lha zhe gnyis - 42 peaceful deities [IW]
zhi ba'i lha zhe gnyis - peaceful deities, forty-two; Forty-Two Peaceful Deities: Samantabhadra, Samantabhadri, Vairochana, Akshobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, Amogha siddhi, Akasha Dhatvishvari, Buddha Lochana, Mamaki, Pandaravasini, Samayatara, Kshitigarbha, Vajrapani, Akashagarbha, Avalokiteshvara, Lasya, Malya, Gita, Nirti, Maitreya, Nivarana Viskambin, Samantabhadra, Manjushri, Dhupa, Pushpa, Aloka, Gandha, Amrita kundali, Hayagriva, Mahabhala, Yamantaka, An.kusha, Pasha, Sphota, Gantha, Munindra, Vemacitra, Shakyamuni, Simha, Jvalamukha, and Yamaraja. [GM] [RY]
zhi bar ba'i bar do - the bardo of he peaceful deities [RY]
zhi bar ba'i bar do - the bardo of the peaceful deities [IW]
zhi bar lha tshogs - the peaceful deities [RY]