bskam chags kyi sred pa
mahakalpa [according to the Abhidharmakosha tradition 80 small kalpas, acc to abhidharma-samuccaya = four bskal chung in human years dung phyur drug dang bye ba bdun sa ya gcig 'bum dgu khri gnyis = 671,920,000, or another tradition says 'khrug phrag bdun [IW]
great aeon/kalpa [acc to Abhidharma-kosha = 80 bskal chung acc to abhidharma-samuccaya = four bskal chung see bskal pa chen po eighty intermediate aeons bar bskal and is divided into; chags pa'i bskal pa nyi shu = twenty aeons of the formation of the universe gnas pa'i bskal pa nyi shu = twenty aeons of its persistence 'jigs pa'i bskal pa nyi shu = twenty aeons of its dissolution, stong pa'i bskal pa nyi shu = twenty aeons of vacuity) [IW]
great aeon/ kalpa [IW]
great aeon. [acc. to Abhidharma-Kosha 80 bskal chung. Acc. to Abhidharma-Samucchaya 4 bskal chung]. See bskal pa chen po; great aeon. [acc. to Abhidharma-Kosha 80 bskal chung. Acc. to Abhidharma-Samucchaya 4 bskal chung.) See bskal pa chen po. a great aeon consists of eight intermediate aeons ( see bar bskal.) and is divided into, 1) chags pa'i bskal pa nyi shu. twenty aeons of the formation of the universe. 2) gnas pa'i bskal pa nyi shu. twenty aeons of its persistence. 3) 'jigs pa'i bskal pa nyi shu. twenty aeons of its dissolution. 4) stong pa'i bskal pa nyi shu. twenty aeons of vacuity [RY]
mahakalpa [IW]