eight common siddhis

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chos gling bde ba'i rdo rje - Chöling '''Dewey Dorje''' (17th cent.), Ratön Tobden Dorje's main teacher [RY]

mchog gling rin po che - Chokling Rinpoche, there are two incarnation lineages. Kela (or Tsikey) Chokling and Neten Chokling, named after the two main monasteries of Chokgyur Lingpa. The second Kela Chokling was named Konchok Tenpey Gyaltsen. After his passing a Tulku was born who died at the early age of thirteen. This Tulku had two incarnations. One is the second son of Tulku urgyen Rinpoche, Mingyur '''Dewey Dorje''', who came to Nepal with his father. The other Tulku stays in Derge/Eastern Tibet. The second Neten Chokling´s name was Ngedon Drubpe Dorje. He was followed by Chokling Pema Gyurme who passed away in India. The present Neten Chokling is named Gyurme Dorje and was born in Bhutan. [tsd]