Catherine Dalton
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Short description
Catherine lives in Nepal and has worked as an oral translator for the Rangjung Yeshe Institute Shedra, the Centre for Buddhist Studies at Kathmandu University, since 2003.
Published Works
Maitreya, Mipham, Khenpo Shenga. Distinguishing the Middle from Extremes. Forthcoming from Snow Lion, 2006. (with the Dharmachakra Translation Committee)
Unpublished Works (completed)
Kunkhyen Longchenpa. The Preliminary Practices: Seven Essential Instructions on Mind Training.
Paltrul Rinpoche. A Brillant Sun: The Stages of Practice for the Bodhisattvacaryavatara. with Ryan Damron and Matthew Stephensen.
Paltrul Rinpoche. The Stages and Paths of a Bodhisattva: A Brief Presentation.