kun tu sbyor ba

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fetter, attachment, entanglement, that which binds (to samsara) kun sbyor, act of joining or uniting with, abandoning [nyon mongs pa ste de'i dbang gis khams gsumla yid mi 'byung bas dge ba mi spyod cing mi dge ba bsgrubspas phyi ma la sdug bsngal dang kun tu sbyor bar byed pa] [IW]

1) fetter, attachment, entanglement. 2) that which binds [to samsara]. kun sbyor. 3) act of joining or uniting with; act of joining or uniting with. fetters (all that binds to the world, cause to rebirth) [RY]

tshul khrims dang brtul zhugs mchog tu 'dzin pa, the tshom, 'dod pa la 'dun pa, gzugs la 'dod chags pa, gzugs med la 'dod chags, gnod sems, rgod pa, nga rgyal, ma rig pa), giving up everything [JV]