instrumental [...Khyod kyis yig thog tu 'khod dang, ngas dpod chog ...Brjod kyis mi lang,...Gser khab kyis rma kha brtol,... part inflecting affix denting the instrumental case, by, through, by means of, with, because of, due to, turns an adjective into an adverb, --ly 3) see gyis-ote when indicating an active agent, it is usually translated as the subject of the sentence [IW]
by, with, from, because, sign of instrumental, called byed pa po'i sgra, instrumental particle, adverbializer, because of, through [JV]
by virtue of [RY]
Syn gyis; (at end of sentence) will; (verb part) therefore/ so/ because; 1) an inflecting affix denting the instrumental case, by, through, by means of, with, because of, due to. 2) turns an adjective into an adverb, --ly. 3) see gyis. (when indicating an active agent, it is usually translated as the subject of the sentence). with; said [RY]