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the white experience mind of radiant white appearance [the falling of the white Bodhicitta from the head-center to the heart-center eg at the time of the dissolution of the bodily elements during the process of death accompanied by a mental perception of whiteness, whiteness, the first of snang ba gsum snang mched thob gsum, white light] [IW]

the white experience, mind w radiant white appearance [IW]

the white experience mind of radiant white appearance [the falling of the white Bodhicitta from the head-center to the heart-center eg at the time of the dissolution of the bodily elements during the process of death accompanied by a mental perception of whiteness, whiteness, the [IW]

Whiteness. An experience during the bardo of dying. The first stage of the subtle dissolution stages of appearance, increase, and attainment [RY]

1) the white experience. 2) the whiteness. 3) The first of snang ba gsum, snang mched thob gsum. 4) white light [RY]