rkyen gsum

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dmigs rkyen, bdag rkyen, de ma thag rkyen. See rkyen bzhi; Three types of conditions 1) g.yo ba med pa'i rkyen. the unchanging condition. 2) mi rtag pa'i rkyen. the impermanent condition 3) nus pa'i rkyen. the effective condition [RY]

the three conditions [dmigs rkyen) (bdag rkyen) (de ma thag rkyen) See (rkyen bzhi] [IW]

three types of conditions 1) gyo ba med pa'i rkyen the unchanging condition; 2) mi rtag pa'i rkye the impermanent condition; 3) nus pa'i rkyen the effective condition [IW]

the three conditions: 1) gyo ba med pa'i rkyen, mi rtag pa'i rkyen, nus pa'i rkyen no; 2) Dmigs rkyen dang, bdag rkyen, de ma thag rkyen no] [IW]

the three conditions [IW]

3 conditions for existence, 3 conditions of concretization, (appearance, symbols [gestures & language], possibilities of experience) motility-mentality is subtle & primary, fertilizing power of ma and pa is coarse and cause factor, organizatory, materiality-developing process is opaque & concomitant, SA mtshan ma, mtshungs pa de ma thag rkyen [JV]